Moonscript Cover Reveal

I have something special to share with you today! A beautiful cover reveal and a new book from HSJ Williams! I loved this author's last book, Fairest Son, so much. (Even though it was shorter, it made it into my Top 15 Reads of 2019, so that's impressive!) And I am super excited that this author has a new release coming later this year.

"It is said that Darkness is empty and whatever vanishes into its depths is lost forever. I know this better than anyone. For I have suffered here in the shadows, and there are none who might find me."

Seventy years. Seventy years the elven prince has been lost to the darkness, assumed dead by his people and endlessly broken for a book that connects to the hidden realm of his ancestors, a land untouched by evil.

And now a light in the shadows. A chance for freedom. But those willing to help him come from the unlikeliest of worlds.The orphan girl, yearning for a loving family, and the boy who won't leave her side. A healer maiden given an unexpected chance for a life beyond narrowed expectations. A grieving creature flown far from home.They all search for something and now their fates are tied to his. If their quest for life can pull him from the dark mire in which his soul drowns, then perhaps he can be saved.Or else he will drag them all down to a fate worse than death.

The beginning of an epic saga, MOONSCRIPT is a journey of innocence, despair, and redemption.


So, are you ready to see the cover?

Moonscript Front Cover

Isn't that just beautiful?

 I sure can't wait until May 7th!

The book is now available for preorder:

PreOrder the Ebook 

PreOrder the Paperback


Want to follow the author around the interwebs?

Author Website

Add the Book to Your Goodreads Shelf 


And if you're wondering who the incredibly talented artist is:

Cover Artist: @morgana0anagrom 

Moonscript Cover Reveal