New Look

Good morning, dear Reader!

You may have noticed that the site looks a wee bit different this morning. Isn't it just lovely? My amazing, talented, brilliant husband designed the new look and I just love it!

Feel free to look around, snoop in the closets, and get accustomed to how everything is laid out in the remodel. I promise, all the important stuff is still here. Mostly we've just rearranged the place, put on a fresh coat of paint, acquired comfy new furniture, and I think we added a hot tub out back. Or possibly a pool. Basically, we modernized and brought everything up to "code."

You'll also notice that the blog is now in the prestigious "front room" location, which makes the meat of the site far easier to access. The About Page and the Novels page have been consolidated into one area (because, really, you don't need separate rooms for your pool table and fooseball table... they can share space). And we've also worked very hard to make the site more Mobile-Friendly, which means that it should look beautiful no matter what device you happen to be reading on: phone, tablet, or computer.

If you notice anything that seems "broken" please let me know in the comments. We tried very hard to make sure all the nail pops were hammered back in and the construction dust swept away and any other odds and ends were taken care of before we let visitors in. However, it's not inconceivable  (yes, I am using that word correctly) that we might have missed something. So, please do let us know if you happen across anything that doesn't seem to be working correctly. But mostly, I hope you enjoy the new look and feel.

But don't worry, it's still me, here! And to prove it, we christen the new look tomorrow with another round of Six Degrees of Kool Books! So make sure you swing by and check that out.