Nightstand Books + Blog Tour Sign-up

Calling all bloggers! Calling all bloggers! It is that time... time to throw the nets wide and see how far I can send information about Minstrel's Call across cyberspace.


But that is not all... because it is also time... for....NIGHTSTAND BOOKS!!!Nightstand Books Feb 18I did a lot of reading in January, but it was not strictly for fun. It was fun, but it was also more from an editor's perspective, and that tends to feel more like work. So I am very excited to dive into some reading-for-fun this month!Two Years Before the Mast - Yes, I am STILL working my way through this one. Do not be fooled by its skinny spine, my friend. This book has A LOT OF WORDS. My husband glanced over at it while I was reading it a few weeks ago and said, "Whoa, that's a lot of words on those pages!" Many are the words. And none of them are easy. It's an autobiography, and it is extremely informative about life at sea... and full of words I need to stop and look up like every other sentence. So, I'm taking this one slowly. But it's good to read books that challenge us, and this one does. I'm enjoying it, but I can't just devour it the way I can devour fantasy.After by Savannah Jezowski - So excited to have been given the privilege of getting my hands on this paperback before it releases at the end of the month! I beta-read this one a while back and have been longing for it ever since! It is a prequel to Wither, which was her story that made it into the Five Enchanted Roses collection, and I can't wait to see how the final version of the story looks.The Last Motley by DJ Edwardson - This book!!!! This is another one I beta-read way back when, and have been anxiously awaiting it for quite a while. There were a few moments when I truly feared that the author was going to decide it wasn't worth the effort, but I am SO glad he decided to publish this, because it is... just... awesome! I'm about halfway through and just LOVING the story and the characters and everything SO MUCH! I plan to do a full review when I've finished it.


And that is all I have time to read this month, because... all the #FantasyMonth things! Oh... and planning a book release! (I probably should have my head examined).Tell me... what are you reading this month?