Nightstand Books: February 2016

Good morning and welcome to this month's Nightstand Books meme! I hope you all had a lovely month of reading in January! I finished one of my two books, and kept up with my Bible reading goal okay... not perfect because of all the sickness and taking care of sick people in my house (of course, perhaps that should mean that I went to the Word more), well, I'm still working on it.This month I'm keeping the stack short on purpose,IMG_1072Still reading through Loving the Little Years by Rachel Jankovic, which is absolutely fabulous. I could probably zip through the whole thing in one fairly short sitting, but I'm trying to savor it... take lessons and ideas from it a little at a time. Maybe I'll just read and reread this one all year. It's funny, cute, and real. If you are a parent of small children, I cannot recommend this one enough. And I'm not a self-help book person... I usually can't stand them. So that is high praise, coming from me!Next up we have Into the Vast by DJ Edwardson, which is part of the reason the stack is short. You see, the third book in this trilogy is coming out in just a few days, at which point I will immediately go buy it! However, it's been a while since I read the first two books in the trilogy, and I want to refresh my memory. Through the Viscera is also going to be on my nightstand shortly, and I'm hoping to kind of zip through both of them so I can read the final book with all the pertinent details of what happened in the first books firmly grasped in my mind.Then I have Do You Take this Quest by Kendra Ardnek, which has been sitting on my bookshelf for nearly a year now... waiting, calling to me. I feel like it will be a truly lovely February read. There's a wedding cake on the front cover (it has two swords stuck in it... so it's promising to be a lovely romp of hilarity and romance). I loved the first book in the series, and can't wait to revisit those characters.Also on my list to re-read soon is When Ravens Fall by Savannah Jezowski, which I reviewed the other day, and can't wait to read in its finalized paperback format! EDIT: Since I wrote this post two days ago, I have actually finished Loving the Little Years AND Do You Take This Quest (reviews coming soon!) I had a rare 2 hours all to myself last night, and a headache that wouldn't let me stare at a computer screen, but wasn't bad enough to keep me from reading... so I spent a blissful hour and a half devouring Do You Take This Quest and finished it! I cannot wait to find out what happens to all my Bookania friends, so I got started on My Kingdom for a Quest and OFFICIALLY added Through the Viscera to my nightstand as it appears I will have time to read it this month, after all! :) Yay, books!