When Ravens Fall
Yesterday, fellow Five Enchanted Roses author, Savannah Jezowski, released her newest novella: When Ravens Fall. I do not usually do beta reading or ARC reading, as I very much dislike reading long stories on my computer and I don't enjoy feeling the looming deadline of having to write a review when I've finished the book. I much prefer to just grab a book from the library or buy a book and enjoy reading it... writing a review if I really feel compelled to. However, I do make the occasional exception if I already know that I enjoy the author's writing style, or am confident that I will enjoy the story. So, it was without any hesitation at all that I volunteered to be an Advance Reader for this novella.I could not put it down.Let that sink in. Remember, I was reading a pdf copy on my computer. I repeat: I could not put it down. I would have torn my way through in one sitting, but I got started late and had to get up early the next morning and thus was forced to turn my light out... but the next night I stayed up late to finish the book.
**As per FTC guidelines I must disclaim that I did receive an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. But, though I love getting free books, my opinions are my own and cannot be bought nor influenced.**