Nightstand Books for Fantasy Month 2021

Are you enjoying Fantasy Month so far?

Make sure you head over to the INTRO POST for more information on how you can participate in fantasy month this year!

In addition to #FantasyMonth, today is also the first Wednesday of the month and therefore time for a #NighstandBooks post, so I’m posting a picture of the books I am currently reading or intend to read this month.

Starting from the bottom:

Snuff by Terry Pratchett

This came in to the library faster than I expected, so we put a hold on The Truth for now, since Snuff is the next (and last… SADNESSES!) book in the City Watch arc Derek and I have been reading out loud together. There is much Vimes-ness, and therefore, I love it.

The Ranger’s Apprentice: Ruins of Gorlan by John Flanagan

Still working through reading this one aloud with my kids. Brant seems to be enjoying it. Just the other day, he stated that it was his “favorite school book.” So that’s happy!

City of Thirst by Carrie Ryan and Parke Davis

This is the sequel to The Map to Everywhere, which was one of my fifteen favorite reads of 2020, so I am excited to see what happens next!

Yorien’s Hand & Minstrel’s Call (not pictured) by Yours truly

I’m just about finished with the first listen through of Yorien’s Hand, and will immediately dive into Minstrel’s Call. I need to place an order for some more books, because I don’t have any copies of Minstrel’s Call on hand!

The Silver Chair by C.S. Lewis

My favorite book of The Chronicles of Narnia, I am loving reading through this series with my kids. They just recently “met” Puddleglum, and they seem to enjoy him as much as I enjoy reading him!

The Rose and the Wand by EJ Kitchens

I read To Catch a Magic Thief by the same author near the end of last year, and I am enjoying this companion novel/sequel quite a lot. It’s a kind of Beauty and the Beast retelling… and I’m a big fan of B&B so… yeah. Enjoying.

Longbourn by Maria Grace

This is my current audiobook. I finished Pemberley, the first book in the series a few days ago and could not WAIT to get into book 2. Keep an eye out for a glowing review coming soon!

And that’s it for my reading plans for Fantasy Month this year!

What are you reading this month? Any books you are particularly looking forward to curling up with?