Nightstand Books of March

It sounds so ominous... "The Nightstand Books of March." Something about March... "Nightstand Books of February" just doesn't have that same sort of eerie finality to it. "March." Maybe it's just me... but March always seems to carry more weight than other months. March. How is it March already? And now I've lost you. I know, I know, you came to see what I'm reading this month, not hear me pontificate on the name of the month. Well, I'm sorry to disappoint, but this month's stack hasn't changed much from last month.I used to be a fast reader. Okay, in all reality, I am still a fast reader, I just don't have as much time to devote to my reading as I'd like (or as I used to... what I wouldn't give for a couple of days in which the ONLY thing I had to do was sit on a porch swing and read whatever I wanted to read). Sigh. There are just so many good books out there that need to be read, and I tend to get a little overenthusiastic about reading them. Which is why this month's nightstand is pretty similar to last month's nightstand... except that I've added a book.March BooksAs you can see, the stack looks almost identical to last month's lineup. I did finish The Last Unicorn, which finally started to get interesting after page #150... but it never really hooked me the way I hoped it would. There wasn't anything wrong with it, per se, I personally just found it to be rather dull.I also finished The Word Changers, which I enjoyed rather a lot. I'll be reviewing it next week, so keep an eye out for that!And I've added a book to the stack, and it went to the top of the list because it's a library book, which means I have to read it on a deadline. (Not that I can't renew it, of course... but if someone else has requested it, they won't let me renew it... and you just never know). It's just thrilling, reading books from the library!The book I added is called Wounded by God's People by Anne Graham Lotz. It is a study on the life of Hagar and the passages of the Bible surrounding her story in Genesis. So far, it's very good. Quite compelling, really. I got it because a friend recommended it to me. I had a tough thing happen about a year ago, and to tell the truth, I'm still not over it.The rest of the stack is the same as it was last month.What are you reading this month? How did you do on your February reading pile? I'd love to hear about your journeys in reading-land!