
“I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.” -Douglas Adams

"If you wait until the last minute to do it, it only takes a minute to do." -Josh Stock/Kyle Sanford

While I am extremely entertained by the above quotes, and find them hilarious, I cannot truly say that either applies to me. No, I am not a chronic procrastinator. I'm a list maker, deadlines are challenges to be conquered and neatly checked off. I annoyed my college roommate greatly with that fact. I would enter our room in a whirlwind, set down my bag, and announce something like, "I have three hours to get this paper written!" And then I would sit down at my computer. On one such occasion, my roommate responded with, "And the truly annoying thing about that is, in three hours, you'll have it done... but it won't be due for another week."It's true. I tend to take deadlines I am given and shorten them, setting for myself a new deadline that is much closer at hand, and then I work to hit my self-appointed deadline so that I have time to change/tweak/work at/edit/what-have-you between the two.What is prompting this post? I have received the editing notes for Stone Curse. (Cue ominous music)I had always planned to cut everything back and spend the month of March working on editing Stone Curse, putting all other writing and editing projects on hold until that editing was finished, but I had also planned on still blogging regularly and participating in the April A-Z blogging challenge.Well, my friends... I have just spent several days working on my edits, and I feel I am finally ready to move on to chapter 2. (Okay, by the time this post actually goes up, I'm hoping to be in chapter 3... but at the time I am writing this, I'm just starting on chapter 2).With that said, I'm feeling the need to reprioritize even further. I'll still be blogging, never fear! But I'm going to be blogging a lot less. Instead of 3 times a week, my new goal is 1 time a week. I pulled myself out of the A-Z challenge for this year, which was a HUGE relief off my shoulders. (And besides, when I set that as a writing goal for this year, I wasn't counting on winning a slot in the Five Enchanted Roses project... so absolutely no sadness about the reason for having to reprioritize at all!) I'll still be doing my Six Degrees posts, and the other authors in the Five Enchanted Roses team and I have some fun blog post ideas lined up for later on... when we all come out of our editing and rewriting haze! So don't be too sad... there are still going to be a lot of exciting and fun things to read over here... just not as often.Thank you for your understanding, dear Reader. It's for a good cause. Just remember, less blog posts now means that hopefully you'll have a truly fantastic collection of Beauty and the Beast stories to read sometime this summer!