Nightstand Books Returns!

Thank you so much for all your feedback on my post last week, dear Reader! It was extremely helpful as I tried to figure out what direction to take this little outlet of mine. I was surprised — and pleased — to discover that many of you seem to enjoy the variety that gets presented here. This is a very good thing, because I don't think I could stand just writing one or two kinds of posts all the time. But it did show me that there are a few types of posts that aren't as popular, so your feedback helped give me some focus, as well. Several of you asked me not to stop blogging... which was never an option to begin with, sorry if my last blog post scared you about that. I can stop blogging like I can stop blinking. Not gonna happen. It may be slightly less frequent this year, but I think we'll have plenty of fun things to do and read, regardless.First of all, I wrote a piece of flash fiction for a fun little contest, and would LOVE it if any of you would go over and vote for it (if you like it, that is). You can find the story HERE - the stories are all in the comments, and you "vote" by clicking the "thumbs up" icon. You can vote on as many stories as you like. Many thanks in advance!Anywho.Everyone said I should bring back the Nightstand Books, which is always a fun and easy post to come up with, and I'll be honest, I've kind of missed it, too. So here we go!I have a ton of books that I got over a year ago, and one of my main reading goals this year is to actually read ALL of the ones I haven't gotten to yet. This means I need to curtail my library acquisitions. I think I can, I think I can...Currently, these are on my nightstand.img_2268 The Battle of Castle Nebula by Stephanie Ricker. This is the prequel to my favorite story in the Five Glass Slippers collection! It has been out for a while, but was only available as an ebook for many moons. As soon as it was released in paperback I put it on my wish list and to my great and everlasting delight, I was given it for Christmas this past year! Yay! It is every bit the delightful read I expected and hoped for, and I am zipping through it.The Well of Lost Plots by Jasper Fforde. This is the third in the Thursday Next series, and part of the inspiration behind my InterFiction Gazette and Henry Fairchild series, so it's fun to delve back into this world again. These are re-reads until I get to book #5, but it's been so long since I read them that I didn't want to just jump into the episode I hadn't read yet without a refresher for my memory.I'm planning to go all-fantasy with my February Nightstand. The only trouble I'll have is deciding which ones to read. Which brings me to the next announcement: I am pleased to inform you that I WILL be holding February is Fantasy month here on the blog for February. Probably not posting every day like I did last year, but all the posts will be Fantasy-related, and anyone and everyone is welcome to join the fun. I'll have a linky-list up around the end of January so we can all find each other's fantasy-related posts - so start brainstorming now! And I think I'll throw in a short-story challenge as well. Here's the graphic so you can share it and let people know what's going on! (I may see if Mr. Rowe, my graphics designer, is up for making another version for 2017).February Fantasy Month Banner I'll probably only post once a week (if that) for the rest of January as I gear up for the more crazy month of February here on the blog. Enjoy the rest of your January!What books are on your nightstand this month? What are some of your reading goals for the new year?