Plans for the Blog 2017

It is snowing. Not just here on my blog, but for real outside my window.And that makes me happy.But the beautiful, sparkly flakes of snow flurrying outside my window are neither here nor there, really. Wherever you are, I hope the view through your window thrills your heart as much as my current view does mine.I hopped online today to pose a question, dear Reader. I really need your help.I've been blogging about my writing journey for over 6 years now. I don't tend to have a blog-o-versary type celebration usually, mostly because I used to do this at a different blog, and when I moved over to this new platform I brought all my old content with me, so I tend to have a hard time remembering exactly when this blog began (I looked it up, my first post here was Dec. 4, 2012... so... happy rather belated 4th birthday, little blog!)And while I have seen a steady increase in traffic and readers and commenters, I still feel as though I am a bit at a loss about what things people really want to read when they come over here. So, would you mind telling me which kinds of posts you most enjoy reading over here in my little corner of cyberspace? Last year was kind of a banner year for me on the blog front, but it ebbed and flowed as any other year. This year, I would like to do a bit more concentrating on my actual writing of books, and not so much on the blog... which means I want to be a bit more efficient with my efforts - especially with a baby coming in April!Don't worry, I'm going to help you out with some multiple-choice style options! (Sorry, can't quite shake my teacher-tendencies) I am probably not going to do a lot of "posting every day" style blogging this year, so my first question is the easy one:

Which day(s) of the week you would prefer me to post on?

a) Mondayb) Tuesdayc) Wednesdayd) Thursdaye) FridayNow for the harder question, feel free to pick multiple options... maybe rank them in order of preference?

What kinds of posts here do you enjoy the most?

a) Henry Fairchild Writing Wrongs adventuresb) Book reviewsc) Movie reviewsd) Ishness updatese) Anytime I participate in a blog challenge or tag (such as Beautiful Books, etc)f) Bring back the Nightstand Books meme!g) Snippets from your Works-in-Progressh) Updates on how writing is goingi) helpful advice about the stages and process of writing/self-publishingj) InterFiction Gazette interviews with characters from other booksk) Inspiring Images - where you post an image and talk about story ideas it brings to mindl) February is Fantasy Monthm) the Silmarillion Awardsn) occasional inspirational or funny or interesting quoteso) information about sales/giveawaysp) more short story challenges like the Spooky Stories oneq) other (please explain/specify... for my more sarcastic/snarky readers... I love your sense of humor, but please, don't just say "other" without any helpful additions. I'm sure there are things I've left off this list that I could post about or have posted about and forgotten... but this list is getting a bit long!) Thank you in advance for your help!