Nominations End Today

Whew! The last two weeks have been super fun! I'm so excited by how many people have participated in the Silmarillion Awards so far, so many awesome characters have been nominated for awards.Just a reminder:

Nominations for the Silmarillion Awards end TODAY!

If you haven't nominated anyone yet, make sure you head over HERE to get started.

Links to all the other blogs participating in the Awards are listed there, as well.

Only the TOP FIVE nominees will move on to the final round of voting, so make sure you second any nominees you'd really like to see advance!We will compile the nominations over the weekend and have the voting form up for you on Monday (which I do realize is the Fourth of July) and the voting will be open until July 14th. So be on the lookout for that.Remember to share the infographic and use the hashtag #SilmAwards2016 to let your friends know about the fun!SilmAward2016Infographic (1)Award presentations will begin July 16th and run through July 28th, with one award presented each weekday.All the festivities will end on July 29th with a celebration of The Lord of the Rings' Sixty-Second Birthday (as the official publication date was July 29, 1954). And this is where we are inviting you to participate some more! If you have a blog, consider writing a post about what The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings means to you. Or perhaps reminisce about the first time you read Lord of the Rings. Or tell us about how you felt about the movies. Or tell us a story about how you used to play LOTR-based make believe games as a child. Or just do a simple book or movie review. The sky's the limit. If you don't have a blog, post something on facebook, post a picture of yourself with your favorite edition of the Hobbit or Lord of the Rings on instagram, do a vlog on youtube, even a simple "Happy Birthday, Lord of the Rings" on twitter would suffice! I'd love to see cyberspace explode with Lord of the Rings-based posts on July 29th... but only YOU can make that happen.