I do apologize for last week's less-than-normal posts. We were on vacation visiting my family in the midwest. We are home now, so hopefully I can get back into a more regular schedule. I have several posts percolating in the back of my mind (not the least of which is, of course, a Star Trek: Into Darkness review). I was hoping to do another character sketch today (for Brant), but I think it's going to have to wait until next Monday, as I am in that whole, "Now I need a vacation in order to get back into the routine of non-vacation daily-ness." You understand, I am sure.

Thanks for bearing with me.

In the meantime, if you enjoy the musical talents of people like Collin Raye, Gordon Lightfoot, Alison Krauss, or John Denver, swing over to my sister's brand-new facebook fan page! She is in the beginning stages of launching her music career.


She's spent two sessions in Nashville, TN recording 7 songs so far, and is planning to return in July to record a few more. Her first CD will be available this Fall, and I am super excited about it! (Partially because I helped out with a few of the lyrics, but mostly because she's an absolutely fantastic singer/songwriter and I am thrilled for her as she journeys into the unknown following her dreams).

I'm hoping to get her over here for a Featured Artist Friday sometime soon. And she should be releasing her first CD in the August-October area! Something to look forward to this Fall!