Hello, dear Reader. I hope that you enjoyed the Scavenger Hunt! I know that I did. I was so honored and humbled to be a part of such an exciting endeavor with so many other wonderful authors!


Autographed Print Copy of "King's Warrior" - Georgina C.

Print copy of "He Whistles for the Cricket" - Erika Fox

CD copy of "Whispered Stories" - Frank Tan

I have emailed the winners (if you don't see my email, you might need to check your spam folder, sometimes that happens). But the basic gist of the email is to please send me your mailing address by Tuesday, Dec. 17 in order to receive your prize! You can email me at jenelle@jenelleschmidt.com

I promise, I will be shipping out prizes to the winners shortly - but I am out of town on Christmas Break until next week. Unfortunately, that means that shipping prizes will have to wait until I return, and that replies to comments/messages will be a bit scarce. I'm sure you understand. (Yes, it is a bit early to be celebrating Christmas, but when you have to buy 3 tickets from NC to WA you jump on those cheap tickets whenever they're available!) :)

Didn't win? Don't worry! The scavenger hunt giveaway is still open until midnight tonight, as well as many of the other giveaways. My sister's giveaway of THREE of her CDs is also open until midnight tonight, which you can enter HERE!

I do have a few fun things lined up for the near future, though. I'll be posting the flash fiction piece that I've been trying to get published. It's just a little thing, more a fun exercise than anything else, but apparently nobody wants it. Sad, little homeless flash-fiction. So, I'm giving it a home here. I hope you enjoy it.

I'll be guest-posting over at Homeschool Authors on Monday about the top ten most influential books I've ever read - so you won't want to miss that!

There may also be a couple of other posts while I'm gone... so really, you'll barely even notice that I'm not around. :) But I won't be replying to comments or posting on the facebook page until I get back.

And, yes, that IS snow falling across my blog! I'm so glad you noticed! Isn't it fun? :) It doesn't snow here... I mean, okay, we get a quarter inch every now and then, but we don't get REAL snow... and, as I grew up in the Chicago area, I MISS snow so very much. And if I can't control the weather, at least I can make it snow on my own little island here in cyber-space. :)

Allons-y! And Merry Christmas!