Well - some of you may have noticed that we've been experiencing some technical difficulties around here lately. First Wordpress updates messed with the blog, and then our hosting servers came under attack. It appears that they were attempting to hack into the portion of the site that holds email addresses of the followers of this blog in order to use them to send out spam. As far as we have been able to ascertain, the hackers were unsuccessful in their venture, but if you do happen to be following this blog via email, please keep an eye on your outgoing emails for a bit. (Mine and my husband's email addresses were part of that list and we have seen no suspicious activity, so we do believe at this time that the servers were shut down quickly enough to prevent this from happening, but I wanted to explain what we believe the malware that got into the servers was attempting to do).

So that's the first bit of good news.

The second bit of good news is that - HOORAY - you can access my website again! I'm sure you've all missed me rather a lot. The 3 or 4 of you who actually read my blog. (Okay, I think it is actually more than that). Anyway, I love you all and I thank you for your patience with us as we've tried to sort this issue out as quickly as possible. Also, none of my content was deleted or vanished into the ether, so that's happy!

Now for the bad news. Obviously everything looks a bit different... and a little odd... and things aren't where we left them. Since everything sort of got messed with, we decided that we might as well work on the layout and do some updates and tweaking to modernize the look and feel of the site. However, as my web-managers both have full-time jobs other than working on my website... it's a bit of "slow going" at least for the present.

Which brings me to the title of this post: Please Excuse the Dust. Like anything undergoing major renovations, there will be a bit of dust and inconvenience for a while, but our goal is to get the site up and running and more mobile-friendly and a bit more modern-looking ASAP. (But ASAP might seem to not be quite so much "soon" as we might desire).

Thank you for bearing with us, dear faithful Readers. In the meantime, I am planning on getting back to normal blog posting next week - starting with Six Degrees of Kool Books on Tuesday! Many thanks to J.L. Mbewe and D.J. Edwardson for keeping that train going while my site was out of commission!