Dear Readers, today's post is not actually about the weather. Not the way I usually talk about weather.

Some of you may know of the wildfires that are rampaging across the Pacific Northwest, particularly the state of Washington. Hundreds of families have lost their homes. Hundreds of thousands of acres of land have been devastated by the fires.

To date, nobody has been killed and people have been effectively evacuated in time, praise the Lord!

However, the hot, dry weather is not helping this fire be contained. As of last night, most reports said that this 200,000 acre fire was "0 percent contained."

Please, if you can take a minute, will you join me in praying for rain? Enough to stop these fires? Half of my family lives out there, they were evacuated from their homes on Thursday night, they were within 10 miles of these horrific fire-storms that claimed so many homes. They know people who lost everything but what they were able to pack up and take with them as they fled.

The forecast says it will be warm and dry for the foreseeable future. But the God who created the universe with a word and calmed the stormy sea to ease His disciples' fear... He is not bound by man's predictions of what the weather patterns will be. And He does answer prayer. So please, if you think of it, please pray for rain across Washington state. And pray for the people who have lost everything

This is the most recent update on the area near where my family lives:

And here are some pictures. My sister described the area outside their house (before the evacuation orders came through) like this: "It's like Mordor over here where the land is glowing orange and the air is thick and foul..."

Also, if you would like to help the victims of this devastating fire in some more tangible way, here is one way you can do so: