Let me start off by throwing a couple of disclaimers out there.

1. I do not take requests for reviews. I may pick up the occasional ARC, but those are few and far between, and only if I absolutely cannot wait for a book I've been excited about for a while.

2. I am in no way an authority. If I review a book, it's because it left an impression of some kind, or it is something super popular that I read and then felt like giving my opinion on it. Let me state that again: MY OPINION. My opinion mostly sticks to story, characters, and my general reaction to a book. Often this is linked to the author's style/voice and how well-written a book is, but you'll rarely see me mention those things in my reviews. What I review is the story - not the composition. I am not, and do not claim to be, a professional reviewer, and honestly my opinion means very little in the grand scheme of things.

However, I love reading. It's one of the things I am best at in this world, and also one of the things I enjoy most. And I have opinions. Opinions I occasionally share on this blog. Just because I like/dislike a book in no way means that book is inherently excellent or horrible, nor does it mean that you have to agree with me. I have many wonderful friends who don't even enjoy the same genres, let alone the same books, as I do... and we manage to get along splendidly.

That being said, I thought it was high time I put together an "official" looking review policy. And, thanks to the generosity of my author-friend DJ, I even have snazzy graphics to include on this policy! Which is awesome!

So, without further ado, my review policy:

Five Dragon Eggs: I LOVED this book. It made me laugh and/or cry when I was reading it, and I cannot get it out of my head. I will own it, re-read it, recommend it without reservation, and definitely buy the sequel if there is one - sequels are at the top of my TBR pile! This is a book that absolutely blew me away and sucked me in the entire time I was reading it. If a book makes it to my "recommended reads" page, it is probably worthy of this rating.

Four Dragon Eggs: I really liked this book. I will probably own it, re-read it, and recommend it. There may be some minor reservations about recommending it, or it just didn't have that intangible "X-Factor" which causes the 4 instead of 5 egg rating. I am definitely interested in any sequels that may be coming, and those sequels are near the top of my TBR pile... especially if this is the first book in a series or a new book by a new author, as I know authors tend to get better the more books they write, and thus I am fully expecting later books in the series to be 5-dragon-egg material. 4 Dragon Eggs are also worthy of being on my "Recommended Reads" page.

Three Dragon Eggs: There was a lot about this book that was likable. I enjoyed the read, but for some reason it just didn't capture me. I may or may not be interested in a sequel - but it's not near the top of my TBR pile. I might recommend it because I recognize the story or characters were solid, but perhaps they simply weren't my cup of tea.

Two Dragon Eggs: I would give this rating to a book that struck me as incredibly mediocre. The story was blah, the characters never became real to me, the pacing was off, and for the most part, I found myself bored to tears.

One Dragon Egg: I did not like anything about this story. Generally if I can only give it one dragon egg, then there was something offensive in the story that would make me recommend staying away.

Zero Dragon Eggs: Absolutely could not finish this book for one reason or another. This doesn’t happen very often, but occasionally I will DNF a book, at which point I can’t give it any number of dragon eggs in good conscience, I can only explain why I didn’t finish.