Ring Around the Rose: Writing Similarities

Before we get started, I just wanted to remind you all that King's Warrior is available for FREE through the Kindle store today through Sunday, June 28! This is the new, revised edition complete with a map! Get your free Kindle copy HERE. And please, share the news about the sale with your friends!I hope you are enjoying this little game of "Ring Around the Rose" and getting to know the Five Enchanted Roses authors a bit better! I know I am. Today's questions are a bit more serious:Ring around the RoseWhat famous author(s) do you feel your writing is most similar to, and why? This one is a bit more difficult than the previous questions have been. I've done some of those "copy and paste portions of your book here and we'll tell you who you write like" internet wizardry things. Most often I get David Farland, Terry Brooks, and R.A. Salvatore. I have no idea if that's true or not. I haven't read much Salvatore, and it's been a while since I read any of Farland's books. I love Terry Brooks, but I don't really think I write like him. Most lately, this site has been making the rounds and here are my results:Based on my latest character encounter

I write likeStephenie Meyer (I'm not sure if I should be pleased or insulted...)

I Write Like. Analyze your writing!

And based on an excerpt from Stone Curse:

I write likeL. Frank Baum (um... okay?)

I Write Like. Analyze your writing!

Hmmm, I sort of feel like the results aren't really all that accurate, however, because I get a different result with every excerpt of my writing and I don't feel like that should be the case. I don't think my writing style is THAT inconsistent!When talking to people who have actually read my books, the comment I most often get is that my books and style are a sort of "Tolkien-Lite," which I am honored and humbled by, and perfectly willing to accept. So, there you have it. I write like J.R.R. Tolkien... without the archaic, fancy language.Or perhaps I just write like me.What author do you wish you wrote the most like?Two hard questions in one day! There are so many authors out there that I just love. If I had to choose just one, however, I'd have to say I've always admired Timothy Zahn's writing style, as well as the way he has diversified. In a time when those who write fantasy and sci-fi tend to be "one world" authors, I love that he has multiple stories in totally different worlds with completely different characters.Mostly, though, I'm gonna have to steal Kaycee's answer. I want to write like myself. I want to write stories I'd be interested in reading. I want to make my characters come alive. I want to make my readers laugh at the silly, cry at the sad, and cheer for the noble and heroic. And I want it to be because I'm using MY writing voice and style, my history, my experiences, my hopes and dreams... if that can bring enjoyment to one reader, I will be content. How about you, dear Reader? Who are some of your favorite authors? Have you ever read something that just made you pause and think, "I wish I had written that!"?Find out who Dorian writes like on her blog tomorrow!If you need advice on how to evade a hungry dragon (which was last week's question), I highly recommend reading these posts:Savannah at Savannah Jay's Workshop
Kaycee at The Pink Cave
Dorian at Dorian Writes
Hayden at The Story Girl
Heidi at Along the Brandywine
Grace at A Live Masterpiece