Second Son Read Along: Chapter 27

Second Son Read AlongAll the fun of Fantasy Month and the read along are coming to a close. It's been such a blast, and I've been enjoying the annual celebration of my favorite genre all month long, and when it's over... I'm gonna need a nap!Anyway, let's dive into chapter 27 and see what things are happening in the world of Tellurae Aquaous before the final pages are turned, shall we?A war of attritionThe constant attacks on the borders of Llycaelon by the seheowks are beginning to wear Seamas down. Worried about her husband, Llewana turns to Seamas' best friend to try and understand why Seamas has grown so quiet and withdrawn lately, but even though Tobias understands much of what their king is struggling with, he does not know everything that weighs on his sovereign. Seamas is king, but he is troubled and burdened by the guilt of his own misdeeds of the past, while also being harried on one side by the constant frustration of the seheowks and on the other by untrustworthy counselors...A new beginningMeanwhile, back in Aom-igh, Brant has never been happier. Imojean accepted his marriage proposal, the seheowk threat has been vanquished, the roads are safe, King Arnaud's rule is secure, and Brant is working on his own little homestead. The warrior has hung up his sword and finds himself surrounded by a village of good people who appreciate his work ethic and are more than willing to befriend their new neighbor.Also, I'm sorry you don't get to see Brant and Imojean's wedding. It was quiet and small.A family rideOnce again we time hop forward a bit (approximately 10 years) in the middle of a chapter. In that time, the threat of the seheowks has been basically neutralized, and Seamas, having a rare good day, decides to take a day with his family to go riding and show his son around the country he will one day rule.But in the midst of this peaceful, happy moment as a family... tragedy strikes.A formal apologyMy dad keeps asking if I am ever going to issue a formal and public apology to Ky. The answer is "yes." This is it. I am sorry. When I began writing Second Son, I had no intention of making his life so miserable. I fully expected him to be a jerk and kind of a bully even as a kid... but then the story... as it so often does, decided that it was going to wander off in its own direction and all of my carefully laid plans flew out the window. Ky surprised me. I did not mean to make him a tragic character, he was very much supposed to be a fairly cut-and-dry villain... but I learned long ago to listen to my characters when they take the reins of the story, they're usually right.I am sorry, Ky.Discussion Questions1. Do you think I owe Ky/Seamas that apology?2. Who do you think Llewana wanted Seamas to forgive?3. How did you feel about Seamas' conversation with his mother at the end of the chapter?