Silmarillion Awards 2018: Update

silmarillion-awards-border-goldHello, fellow wanderers!It is now June, which is usually about the time we start looking forward to the Silmarillion Awards! However, this year we are making a slight adjustment.

We are still having them! Never fear!

But we are changing the dates. You see, usually we like to schedule them through July, ending near July 29, the original publication date of the Lord of the Rings. However, right in the middle of July, this little conference called REALM MAKERS occurs. And, well, over half of our Silmarillion Awards bloggers are going to be attending, including Yours Truly, which makes running the SilmAwards a bit difficult.So, we have decided to adjust and tweak and move the Silmarillion Awards to September.This has multiple benefits:First, it will no longer play bumper cars with Realm Makers.Second, the Silmarillion was originally published on September 15, and since we take our name from that great work in honor of Tolkien's genius (many thanks to the Tolkien Estate for letting us use the name) it works thematically slightly better than July.Third, Frodo and Bilbo Baggins' birthday falls on September 22, which also makes it "Hobbit Day" in our realm.Fourth, many significant events throughout the Lord of the Rings occur in September... including Frodo and Sam leaving Hobbiton, Gandalf meeting Shadowfax, and finally, Bilbo going to the Grey Havens (source)Fifth, alliteration. Never underestimate the power of alliteration.Sixth, and finally, summer is just busy. Hopefully September will be a better time for everyone to enjoy these awards and the hilarity and entertainment that they bring each year.I will have exact dates and information for you when the event gets a bit closer, but for now I just wanted to update you with the general plan for this year's 3rd annual Silmarillion Awards!