Small is Beautiful

I saw this neat idea over at PoetreeandBooks and thought I'd jump in and play. The idea is to feature/highlight some "smaller" blogs I love and give a little bit of info about why I love them. My little ol' blog isn't quite small enough to be featured in this... but I thought I'd participate anyway and tell you about some of the bloggers out there that I just love to pieces. Hey, you might find a new favorite!Guidelines:

  1. Feature 3-5 blogs with fewer than 100 followers.
  2. Write 1-3 paragraphs about each blog, including information like what the blog is about, a brief bio of the blogger, and/or why you recommend their blog. Don't forget a link to their blog!
  3. Include an image for each blog, whether it's a blog button, profile photo, header, or simply a screenshot of the blog.
  4. Thank the blogger who featured you, and include a link to their blog. If you like, you can even include them as one of the blogs that you feature (especially if they joined the tag without having been featured by someone else).
  5. Include the tag image somewhere in your post.

Optional: For extra visibility, share a link to your post on Twitter with #SmallBlogsTag. I'll retweet it! Don't forget to follow the hashtag and retweet others' links!Isn't that a cool idea? I love it!Tracey Dyck at Adventure Awaits is one of my favorite bloggers out there! Adventure, fantasy, and humor... this blog has it all. I love the way she writes and cannot wait until she has a book or two published so I can run out and buy them.Tracey blogs about her own writing journey, as well as occasional reviews of books and movies, tags, snippets of her own writing, and updates on her path to publication. I love pretty much everything Tracey writes about and also appreciate that she always responds to my comments... and never slaps me on the wrist for writing novel-length comments, either! The Pink Cave is another blog I keep tabs on and head straight over to read whenever she posts something new! Kaycee (author of Five Enchanted Roses' "Esprit de la Rose") fills her blog with a variety of things. And though she doesn't blog as often now that much of her time is taken up by being a college student, her posts are always entertaining.The Pink Cave often contains writer-type tips, reviews, updates from the college campus, and various other posts such as snarky rants and ramblings about whatever strikes her fancy. She is a lover of adventure and fantasy, which pretty much means that I'm guaranteed to enjoy anything she writes about! screen-shot-2016-09-09-at-2-41-29-pmAbbey's World of Pure Imagination is another favorite of mine. Abbey often participates in the Beautiful People link-up, shares stories about her real-life adventures in travel and baking, writes movie and book reviews, and talks about her writing journey. I have found the posts of this young blogger to be both thoughtful and insightful, and she often challenges my own perspective on books or movies. Though she writes fantasy/fairy tale retellings for now, you will find quite the conglomeration of reviews on her site, as she enjoys a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction reading! Knitted by God's Plan is definitely worth perusing. If you love fairy tales, then Kendra's blog is a beautiful blog-home for your soul. Here you will find posts that range from character encounters and interviews, to cover reveals, to short stories, to snippets from Kendra's WIP, to discussions about the writing journey, to the occasional review or author spotlight.... and she is almost always having or planning a party of some kind! It's a fun place to hang out, Kendra's blog.Short & Snappy - That Was Sudden... by Madeline J. Rose is another fantastic blog. For some reason I can't get her blog to work on my blogspot blog roll... so sometimes I miss updates, which is super sad. However, I definitely recommend this blog! Here you will find many conversations with various and sundry of Madeline's characters, a blog tag every now and then, and sometimes a review or two. She loves reading and writing and music and Marvel and her family. She is a homeschooler and I enjoy fan-girling with her over various things that we get mutually excited about ... we agree on a lot. Her posts are a lot of fun and you should definitely go check them out! These are just a few of the blogs I read and enjoy. Some of the others I keep up with are bigger like Deborah's and Christine's, and a few I couldn't find any information on the site about how many followers they have like DJ's, so I didn't include them so as not to inadvertently break the "rules." But if you love a "small" blog, or even if you have a "small" blog, maybe consider jumping in and playing a round? Maybe we can send a few more followers your way!Hope you enjoyed this little last-minute Friday post.