Space Lanes: New Flash Fiction

Published Havok 

Published again!

I'm so excited to share with you that I've got yet another story published over at Havok today.My last piece was super sweet and sad and heart-string pulling... but this one... is TOTALLY DIFFERENT.This one is... kind of zany. Which explains why it's posting on Havok's "Wacky Wednesday." There's snark. There's chaos. There's a redneck space-trucker. There are bits falling off the ship. There's even a SPACE DRAGON!You don't want to miss it!If you're looking for a laugh, and possibly a space adventure... then I highly recommend you swing over and meet Blake and Earl and their rusty bucket of bolts... because they are super fun and I love them to bits. I believe I can easily foresee myself writing more stories about these two... possibly an entire book, if not a series!I had an absolute blast with this story, dear reader. I really cut loose with it, and... well... if you've ever read anything of mine before, the "voice" on this one might take you a little off-guard as it is extremely different than anything I've ever written before. It's a little wacky, a little sci-fi, with just the barest hint of fantasy. I've titled it SPACE LANES and I really think you'll get a kick out of it.This story stretched me rather a lot, and even though it was accepted... I practically had to rewrite the entire thing before it was ready to publish! Which is something I really enjoy about both writing flash fiction AND working with the Havok team of editors. 1) You can take a piece from rough draft to polished in a very short amount of time and 2) they know their stuff over there! And they do a great job of seeing the potential in a story encouraging us writers to really put out the effort to make the story shine as much as it can.For any of you who do not have a paid subscription to Havok e-zine, TODAY is the ONLY day you can read this short story for FREE!This month's theme is part of Havok's "Stories that Sing" series, and September's stories are all connected in some way to songs from the 70s! Part of the fun is trying to guess which song inspired the story!I would be extremely honored if you would consider stopping by to read this zany little story of mine, and I'm curious to see if any of you guess the song correctly! (If you do, I will know that you are one of those people who listened to "all the right sorts of music" when growing up). Votes and comments are all tallied by the editors when it comes to choosing stories to be included in the bi-yearly anthology, so if you read the story and it touches your heart, would you consider leaving a comment and/or a vote?Even if you're not a Havok member, you CAN comment! It might look like the comments aren't going through, but they ARE, they just need to wait for approval by the moderators, after which point, they will be visible.