Wisest Counselor Nominations: Silmaril Awards 2019

Nominations are now closed! Make sure to come back next week to cast your votes in the final round!silmaril-awards-banner-webReturning for the FOURTH year in a row, it's MY personal favorite event of the year... THE SILMARIL AWARDS!And this year, I get to host the award for the WISEST COUNSELOR!They tend to be old, bearded, and have a somewhat "larger than life" sort of presence to them. Their massive wisdom often lends to a sort of gruff exterior, and perhaps even a hint of impatience... but you know that deep down, they have hearts of gold and truly care about the adventurers they are mentoring.This award should only be given to the best mentor, the surest guide — for the purity of the Silmaril demands nothing less.Choose wisely!

Nominate your favorite character(s) for this award by leaving a comment on this post!

A few quick rules and reminders as you get ready to nominate a character:

1. Just a quick reminder that Tolkien's characters are not eligible to win these awards. We creators of the Silmarillion Awards see them as the ultimate standards for these categories already, which is why they are the Presenters of the Silmarils.2. These awards are for FANTASY characters! This means no science fiction. However, if you can make a good, solid argument for the fantastical elements in a particular science-fantasy, then by all means, go ahead! (For example: The Lunar Chronicles are admissible due to elements of magic and the fact that at their core they are fairy tale retellings)3. Please mention what book the character is from in your nomination. While the hosts of the Silmaril Awards are wizards in their own right and voracious book dragons of speculative fiction, we haven't all read EVERY book out there, and we might not recognize certain characters.4. You are welcome to nominate as many characters as you wish and "second" as many characters as you wish. The top 5 MOST seconded characters will go on to the final voting round.5. If you are an author, you are welcome to participate, but please refrain from nominating your OWN characters. You may, of course, direct your fans to this event, though.6. Characters who have won in a particular category in a previous year are ineligible to be nominated for the same award again. The Silmarils are Lifetime Awards. For a list of the previous winners in each category, please check out our Hall of Fame.Previous winners of the Wisest Counselor Silmaril:

7. Please remember that these are Fantasy Book Awards. Therefore, a movie character is only eligible for nomination if they were a book first! 8. Most importantly... have fun! And don't forget to visit the other 9 blogs and nominate characters for ALL TEN awards!Please spread the word far and wide! If you are on social media, our official hashtags are #SilmAwards2019 or just #SilmAwards invite your friends to the party, the more, the merrier!

Let the nominations commence!


And don't forget to stop by the other blogs to nominate characters in ALL the Award Categories!

Most Epic Hero

Most Epic Heroine

Most Mischievous Imp

Least Competent Henchman

Most Nefarious Villain

Most Silver Tongue

Most Faithful Friend

Strangest Character

Most Magnificent Dragon

 And this year, we even have a shiny new facebook group where you can follow the progress of the awards, interact with the hosts, get reminders when the voting form goes live all in one easy spot!

Awards Schedule:

The awards this year will go by the following schedule:

Nominations week — September 2-8

Voting week — September 9-15

Awards ceremonies — September 16-27