Stands of Night: April 2016

IMG_1182Nope, that's not a joke. That is actually what my nightstand looks like.......After I cleaned it off to take the picture.So fear not! My nightstand is not as sad and lonely as it looks in the picture. It looks this way because I'm currently only reading one book, and I can't post a picture of it because it's a beta-read, and although the author kindly sent me an actual paperback copy of the book, which was quite thoughtful, I don't think he would appreciate me posting a picture of it since the cover hasn't been revealed yet, and this may not be sporting the final cover. However, I am getting a sneak peek at DJ Edwardson's The Last Motley, a foray into classic fantasy. (pssst, I'm really enjoying it!)I also have a book on hold at the library that I need to go pick up, it's Dark Lord of Derkholm by Diana Wynne Jones. I was perusing the online catalogue and discovered to my boundless delight that they have quite a lot of her books in the system here, so I promptly requested one that I haven't read yet that a lot of my online buddies have recommended! Yay!I'm also reading the Tales of Robin Hood to Leiana for school, as well as Arabian Nights with the kids before bed most nights (I haven't read either before, so it's fun to discover a couple of classics that I've been heretofore missing out on!)So those are the books on my Nightstand this month. What are you reading for fun these days?