Summer Reading

I apologize for the quiet over here. Rest assured, I am still here. Still alive. Maybe only barely functioning... but still here. I actually have a lot of things lined up for this little blog throughout the summer, but May has been kind of a quiet month, as I'm focusing on finishing up this first pass of edits so I can get Minstrel's Call off to my line editor and beta readers by June 1st. Lofty goal... especially as we're already in the last full week of May (AHHH! Don't tell me that, not already!)Speaking of which, consider this my call for beta readers! If you're interested in reading the third draft of Minstrel's Call and helping me polish it, shoot me an email at and let me know - I will be sending out beta copies around June 15th. The story is approximately 200,000 words, so I realize it is a massive undertaking to read through it, and it is the last book in the series... and probably the book that is least able to stand on its own, since it definitely builds on the happenings and character development of King's Warrior and Yorien's Hand. However, if any brave souls wish to take the plunge, I thought I'd throw that out there.I will also have need for ARC readers hopefully later this year, so if your summer is already full, there will be other chances to read Minstrel's Call prior to its release.Speaking of reading, I am going to be taking the summer off from the Nightstand Books meme. I will not be taking the summer off from reading, of course, and thought I'd share the list of books I hope to read this summer... in no particular order.Book I'm beta reading... this one's due back to the author by June 1st... so I definitely need to get cracking on it! Enjoying it so far.I am currently also in the midst of re-reading the Thursday Next novels, and there are a few I've never read, so part of why I'm re-reading the series is to brush up and refresh my memory on the first books so I can finally read the rest of the series.IMG_1211High up on my list is to finish re-reading the first two books in the Chronotrace Sequence so I can read the final book in the trilogy. I'm super excited to see how everything turns out and see if we ever get to find out about Adan's past. I have some guesses, but they are seriously just wild stabs in the dark, because the character's past is a very well-kept secret so far.IMG_1210I just purchased Anne Elisabeth Stengl's latest release: A Branch of Silver, A Branch of Gold which I am extremely anxious to read. I also grabbed Draven's Light, the only book in the Tales of Goldstone Wood I haven't read yet... not sure which I'll read first, but I definitely want to get to both of them soon!Stengl BooksThe Martian was a birthday present from a dear friend and I am very excited to read it. I've been wanting to read it since I saw the movie in the theater, so it's high on my priority list.IMG_1212And, of course, whenever Five Magic Spindles releases, I'm going to grab a copy and read it right away!So, what's on YOUR summer reading list?