This is the first poem I ever wrote. I was a freshman in highschool, and had never had much use for poetry. Then our English teacher gave us an assignment to find a picture that sparked our imagination and write a poem based on it. I had no idea what to do. I knew of exactly one poem that I even liked, and spent the weekend stressing rather a lot. In the end, however, I found a picture that sparked something... and amazingly enough, I did not fail the assignment! (Thanks, Mrs. F). So, I thought I'd share it with you all today, as a sort of "flashback Friday." This is the poem that started my love of writing poetry (I'm still not much for reading it).....


Oh! How joyfully a waterfall,Unchecking its course and flow,Throws itself to the river belowOver a jagged wall.

And as it cascades in a thundering way,Strong and deep, yet clear--not dull,Not overflowing, yet ever full,Up comes a gentle spray.

This fine mist up from belowCatches the sunlight in such a way,And bends that light through the sprayInto an arcing rainbow.

And, no, sadly, this is not the actual picture I was looking at as I wrote that poem oh so many years ago (1996!), but it's close. :)