A word of insight here, I'm nothing if not loyal. It really takes a LOT for a movie to jump into my list of favorites, especially if it means knocking one of my set-in-stone top 10 out of place... so most of these are going to be older. Oh, and trilogies/series? Yeah, they count for a single spot! These are movies I could watch over and over again. They are the movies I quote most often in daily conversation.

Honorable mention 2: A Series of Unfortunate Events

The first time I watched this movie, 1) I missed the first 5 minutes (this happens a lot for me), and 2) I walked out feeling like I wasn't sure if the movie was horribly depressing or just strangely bizarre. Some movies are like that. You need to give them a second chance. This was one of them. Upon a second viewing, the movie was hysterically funny. It has become one of the movies I most often quote in daily conversation... (which I do regularly, despite the fact that very few people ever know what I'm talking about or "get" the reference).

Honorable mention 1: Pride and Prejudice

Whichever version you prefer, this story is fabulous. I am partial to the Keira Knightley version (that doesn't mean I don't love the Colin Firth version, just that if I was going to be stuck on a desert island with only one version of the movie to watch for all eternity... I'd choose the Keira Knightley version). I own both, and I love them both. However, I just love the newer version more. Maybe it's the music, or the fact that I saw it first, or the fact that I first saw it with my King's Academy students, or that Matthew MacFayden has a knack for charging through doors like a raging bull (you can almost imagine the wood splintering around him in outtakes where he didn't reign it in a bit)... whatever the case, this definitely gets an honorable mention... the only surprising thing is that it's not higher on the list.

10. The Scarlet Pimpernel

An all-time favorite, if you have not seen the Anthony Andrews/Jane Seymour version of this movie (based on the phenomenal book), well, you're missing out. Sarcasm, intrigue, mystery, romance, and an incredibly young Ian McKellan! all packed into one beautifully woven story. One of the few times I feel that movie and book are complete equals.

9. Across the Great Divide

Perhaps it's just a little cheesy, but I love this movie. All the same cast from the brilliant "Wilderness Family" films, comes this all-new adventure. Two orphans are setting out to cross the Great Divide so they can claim the land their parents inherited and live a better life. Joining them is a gambler on the run... but he's a really good guy... despite being a cheat and a liar.

The humor, adventure, music, and breathtaking scenery - along with loveable characters and a pretty compelling story (despite the extra cheese)... I just love this movie.

8. Tangled

This GASP took the place of my all-time favorite Disney Princess movie (Sleeping Beauty). The artistry, the music, the story, the first Disney "Prince" to actually be kinda adorable, and Rapunzel herself... this one stole my heart instantaneously.

7. Serenity

I was a Firefly fan. Yes, I am. Yes, I have reservations about the show, and no, I don't generally recommend it. Doesn't mean I don't love the show... just don't recommend it.

Serenity, however, I can recommend just fine (unless you don't like violence... then I'd skip it). Probably a 2-spot for "most quoted movie in Jenelle's life," I think Malcolm Reynolds is perhaps one of my favorite characters of all time. I wish I'd written him. This movie has a little bit of everything. It will make you laugh out loud, grip the arm of whoever you're sitting next to, punch your fist in the air, and weep uncontrollably (well, maybe not that last one... unless you're me... yeah...)

6. Dreamer

What can I say about this movie other than that it is completely charming. Just a straight-up, feel-good, beautifully written movie. It's one of those "horse" movies... but it's really not about the horse.

5. Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark and Last Crusade)

Not much to be said here... these are on most people's top 10 lists.

4. Lord of the Rings (and I'm pretty confident we can add all three Hobbit movies here as well)

No, they're not identical to the books. But that doesn't mean they aren't phenomenal movies, brilliant technological achievements, and a way for me to share my love of this story with friends who otherwise would never have become acquainted with Tolkien's masterpiece.

3. Star Wars Original Trilogy (A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi)

Nerd alert. But, yes, I LOVE Star Wars. I've read most of the books, watched the original trilogy countless times... and wished the Force (and light-sabers) were real.

2. Ladyhawke

This one is slightly more obscure (no comments about the 80s music from the peanut gallery!) This is one of those movies that just helped ignite my love for fantasy, swords, and a hero in black. (And, hey, super young Matthew Broderick in his best role ever... and yes, even better than Ferris Beuler).

1. The Princess Bride

Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, hate, true love, rock climbing, sailing, poison, horseback riding, wrestling, intrigue, evil plots and schemes, destiny... this movie has it all.

The all-time nerd favorite. If you don't just love this movie, you can turn in your nerd-card right now. Hand it over. This movie is the ultimate in witty humor, has one of the best sword-fight scenes of all time (and that's including recent movies), and a story that spans the ages. Another reason this tops the favorite list is because it's another rare occurrence where the book and the movie are equals. I cannot choose between them.