If you're just joining us, this is day 14 of the A-Z Blogging Challenge, in which nearly 2000 bloggers are blogging every day in April (except Sundays) with each day's post revolving in some way around the corresponding letter of the alphabet. We hit the halfway mark yesterday! So today's post here at my blog is "N" for "nerdiness"Okay, I was going to talk about how much of a nerd I am today (and proud of it!) I might have discussed my love affair with Star Wars, the Lord of the Rings, and all things Firefly. I might have told you about how I love Euro-Gaming, and that I have actually spent time perusing boardgamegeek.comBut most of you already know (or could glean) those things about me. So instead of telling you, I thought I'd show you... complete with all-original music, lyrics, and.... er.... "choreography." :)WARNING: EXTREME SILLINESS is contained in the following video. Side-effects may contain, but are not limited to, chuckles, guffaws, giggles, side-splitting laughter, a strange urge to get up and dance, and having the ridiculous lyrics stuck in your head all. day. long.Procede watching at your own risk! that's what my siblings and I do for fun... make movies (and/or music videos). We're nerds. But we have fun.