Update from Camp

Just wanted to pop in and give y'all an update from Camp Nanowrimo. This is the first year I've ever participated in Camp Nano, and it's been a lot of fun! I've been in a "cabin" with a bunch of authors from the Clean Indie Reads group, so it's been fun to see how everyone else is doing on their goals and encourage each other a bit.I realized that I always go a bit too ambitious with my goals. I started with a goal of 40,000 words, but then when I realized I was going to be out of town for the last week of July I lowered it to 20,000.Ha.Ha. Ha.The best I'm going to be able to hope for is that I will hit 10,000 words tonight before we head out on vacation. I'm not bothered by this, though, because Turrim Archive Vol. 2 now has 9,000-10,000 words more than it did at the beginning of July! And that is cause for celebration.So, while I won't be "winning" Nanowrimo (again), I am content. Because the Turrim Archive wins with every word I type in it. I've got lots of ideas and I intend to keep working on this story through August. Who knows? Maybe I'll get another 10,000 words written... and another, and another, and maybe by the end of the year I'll have completed a first draft.And then I can move on to book #3 (with breaks for polishing Minstrel's Call, of course, once all my beta readers and line editor get back to me with their notes!)Hope you are all having a fantastic summer! Don't forget to check out the winning posts each day to see who is being presented with this year's Silmarils! (We'll break for the weekend and be back strong on Monday!)And there's also the LOTR 62nd Birthday Online Celebration next Friday! I believe I have the link up situated so that it will work splendidly, so swing by and share your posts so we can all celebrate together! I'll be on the road most of the day on the 29th, but I am looking forward to reading everyone's blogs and fb posts and tweets and instagram pictures and youtube videos - make sure you use #SilmAwards2016 so we can all find each other's posts easily!