
The first round of ABNA closes next Wednesday, and really, all we can do now is wait. This is probably the hardest part of the ABNA for me: the waiting. I get antsy, and spend WAY too much time lurking (and occasionally posting) on the discussion boards, commiserating with my fellow entrants, reading other people's excerpts/pitches/etc.

I really want to make it past the pitch round. That's all. Really. Winning the contest isn't even on my radar at this point. I just want to not get kicked to the curb in the first round.

But it's not like I can do anything about it, either way, so I'm just waiting. And hoping.

And planning blog posts to keep my mind off the waiting.... :) I've got a series of posts (at least 2) coming about Les Miserables, a book review or several, updates on SECOND SON, etc... so you can look forward to that, while I look forward to February 13th!