Good morning, everyone. I hope you're all having a fantastic week. Spring seems to have decided to join us here in North Carolina. And this year, I'm  actually ready for it. Amazing, I know. I love my Winters, and I'm usually not ready for them to end... ever. But this year we actually GOT a Winter, so now that March is nearing its end, I think I might actually be ready for Spring. Especially since it means nice weather for going to the park.

One of my readers asked me to post about what I do when I'm not writing.

What do I do?

Mostly, I do this:

I have two adorable little girls, Leiana (age 5) and Nathalie (age 2) and they keep me pretty busy. Particularly since we set off on our Homeschool adventure with Leiana starting Kindergarten last Fall.

So here are just a few of our daily adventures from March:

Painting rocks... which was super fun. And Nathalie here is holding her "ABC" card, so that I can sing her the ABC song, which is her favorite part of "school." :)


Leiana's daily verse a week ago was John 3:16, and she wanted to write it out. I thought she might get tired before we finished the whole verse, and assumed we'd sort of do a few words a day. Nope, she stuck with it until the very end. I was so proud of her!


We also try to get outside as much as possible. In March, that meant a mixture of sunshine, snow, and ice pretty much every week! Unheard of around here, but it felt like "home" to me, as I'm originally from the Mid-West.

Blowing bubbles in the driveway a couple weeks ago:


Then this was after the ice storm we got last week:



And then a few days later we were at the park in short-sleeves... around here, the saying goes, "If you don't like the weather, wait ten minutes, it'll change." In our 8 years living here, that's never been more true than it was this past 2 months!


And an evening science experiment - which you can't see very well, but basically we filled ziploc bags with water, froze them, and then cut them out of their bags and put them in a large tub of water and pretended they were "icebergs." We are planning on doing this again, but next time I'm going to put food coloring in the icebergs so that my pictures turn out better and they're easier to see!


They thought it was awesome!


So that's pretty much what takes up the majority of my non-writing time. Really, it's far more like writing is what I do in my "non-parenting" time than the other way 'round! :)

I also enjoy watching movies and TV shows with my awesome husband, video-chatting with my parents and siblings who live in Iowa and Washington, reading for fun, hanging out with friends (most of whom also have kiddos, which is fun for playdates), and being at our church (my husband is part of the media/tech team, and we teach a Sunday School class for one-two year olds).

There you have it, a little glimpse into my life as a full-time stay-at-home mom and author-on-the-side.