Yorien's Hand Launch Party

We are just over a month away from the launch of Yorien's Hand! This is getting real, folks!Now, this is where I need your help. In order to have a successful launch, I need help spreading the word about the book release. But that doesn't mean I want a bunch of people to stand on rooftops and shout "Yorien's Hand is here!"No, I want to make things much more interesting and fun! Author interviews, character interviews, guest posts, reviews, sharing excerpts, and even a spot for you to get creative with your own ideas, because I'm sure there are lots of things I haven't thought of!If you'd be interested in helping out with the launch party, please fill out the form below. I need your answers by January 1st at the very latest so that I have time to answer any and all questions or write up guest posts and get you all the information you'll need on time for the launch party. I'm also planning on doing a facebook party - not on launch day, but either that Friday evening or the following Monday... I haven't decided yet.In the meantime, take a look at the form below (I have decided I really like Google forms!) and let me know if you'd be interested in participating in the launch party! Thank you in advance for your help and support, dear Reader!