Posts in Adventures and Episodes
In Which I return from an unexpected holiday

What… even just happened there?

Did I just… turns around several times, looking perplexed… I could have sworn it was around here somewhere!

Hang on a sec.

Disappears into another room. Returns a few minutes later, even more confused.

Seriously. Where did it go? I KNOW it was July. I had it RIGHT HERE like THREE DAYS AGO!

Looks up and notices audience.

Oh. Heh heh. Hi there, dear Reader. Soooo…. I definitely didn’t mean to go on hiatus for all of July. I had some blog posts planned… I think they were even good ones! I’ll have to use them some other time, clearly.

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Adventures, Episodes, and Nightstand Books: April/May 2021

The end of last week got a little busy, so I’m combining my April Adventures with my May Nighstand Books post. I didn’t figure anyone would mind. grin

April Writing Adventures

April felt like a bit of a rough month, writing-wise. We started the month off with a birthday and a holiday weekend plus hosting our homeschool group activity, and then dove straight into all my children getting colds, which took up the first week and a half of April. Then the second week of April saw me battling the headache from the abyss for 4 days straight… during which time I did not have a full-on migraine, but I couldn’t read or write at ALL.

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March Nightstand Books + February Adventures and Episodes

Alas! February has drawn to a close, and now a new month is upon us!

But it was an incredibly fun February is Fantasy Month event! I’m still catching up on READING blog posts, so if I haven’t swung by and commented, never fear, I’ll make it over soon. Thank you so much to everyone who participated, commented, posted, shared photos, and just generally made me feel like not-a-failure for everything being a little different this year.

In fact, I think laid-back worked way better than my frantic hectic posting-every-day, and we shall probably stick to this sort of schedule in the future!

Today, I’m combining my end of the month Adventures and Episodes post with the monthly Nightstand Books post, as we were on a quick and short family vacation over the final weekend of February.

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