2015 Writing Goals

It's a New Year, time for New Resolutions and New Goals. Not that I really have any "new" goals, per se... but deadlines are good for me. So, what would I love to accomplish in 2015 in regards to my writing career? Well, I may be overly ambitious, but here we go:1. Publish Yorien's Hand (and have a big launch party for it! Keep your eyes peeled for details about that!)2. Edit book #43. The dream would be to get book #4 published this year as well.... but I'm not sure that's realistic.4. Finish the rough draft of the sequel to The Orb and the Airship (title pending)5. Finish editing my Cinderella story, come up with a new title for it, and have it ready for publishing6. Participate in the A-Z blogging challenge in April (but have all the posts written beforehand, so as not to go nuts in the month of April)7. Gain 10 new subscribers on the blog8. Get to 1,000 followers on Twitter9. Blog 2-3 times a week10. Have more fun writing/editing/publishing than I've ever had! 

I'm not sure any of those are realistic. Well, I think #1, 4, 5, and 6 are. We shall see about the rest. I'm going to have to be very disciplined, and use my time wisely to get this all done. But one of my favorite quotes has always been:

"Do not set small goals,

for small goals do not stir the blood

of a man's soul."


 So, dear Readers... and fellow writers... and fellow dreamers.... what are some of YOUR goals for 2015?