The Return of the Silmaril Awards


Hear ye, hear ye! 📢⁠

The annual Silmaril Awards are returning soon! It's the red-carpet blogging event of the year. Fantasy characters from all twenty corners of the fantasy-verse (yes, the fantasy-verse is a dodecahedron... are you really surprised?) will be arriving as the nominations pour in. But only ten will receive the coveted Silmarils, the lifetime awards for being the best of the best at their job. 🏅⁠

⁠And here is where YOU come in, dear reader! On August 31st, make sure you visit each of the blogs on the tour to nominate (and second) the characters YOU LOVE BEST in each category. The 5 characters in each category who get the MOST seconds will move on to the final voting round, and you will vote on who receives the highest honors this year! ☑️⁠

MC-ing the awards will be the Tolkien-characters who represent the ULTIMATE STANDARD of each of these categories (which is why they are off-limits for being nominated, they already represent everything the awards stand for) 😀⁠

Start thinking about your favorite fantasy characters now! And take a moment to visit our OFFICIAL WEBSITE to peruse the categories and see who the previous winners have beenthe SIlmaril Awards are LIFETIME awards, which means that once a character has won the prize, it can never be taken away and therefore that character is ineligible to be nominated again.

This year, I get to host the Most Faithful Friend Category, and I’m so psyched! I mean, while I LOVE villains and incompetent henchmen as much as the next person, and wise counselors…. none of them are great about picking up after themselves. (You’d think the counselors would at least help out a bit, but they’re more wont to offer advice about HOW to clean than actually help with it…) and the henchmen and villains just kind of trashed the place.

But faithful friends? Led by the most faithful of them all?

Bodyguard Gardener.jpg

Pretty sure they’ll leave my house even cleaner than they found it!

We will also be hosting a giveaway and (as you saw in my post from Monday) we are having a #BookstagramChallenge

Don't miss out on all the fun! Mark your calendars! Bookmark these blogs! Start thinking about your favorite fantasy characters!⁠

Are you excited about the Silmaril Awards? Ready to nominate your favorites? Planning to join us for the Instagram Challenge next week? Looking forward to our epic giveaway?

And for curiosity’s sake… which of the categories is your favoritest?

Jenelle Schmidt2 Comments