A Wish Made of Glass

Today I am pleased and excited to help out with the cover reveal for Ashlee Willis' next release: A Wish Made of Glass. Some of you may remember that Ashlee is the author of the marvelous novel "The Word Changers," which I reviewed a while back. I am so excited about this next story, which is hopefully coming this summer!So, what is A Wish Made of Glass about? I'm so glad you asked!

Deep in a forest glade, the fey folk dance with Isidore, a young human child. Their kinship is the very fabric of her childhood. When her mother dies and her world darkens with sorrow, Isidore finds her belief in the fey folk wavering. 

The love of her new step-sister, Blessing, proves an unexpected gift in her time of need. Yet even as their friendship blooms, Isidore begins to see that Blessing is everything she herself has always wanted to be, but is not. Jealousy grips Isidore as she watches this beautiful new sister steal away all she holds dear.

Driven to desperation, Isidore turns to the fey folk once more. She has only one wish to claim from them, one chance to make things right. But she must tread carefully. For wishes, like hearts, are easily broken. And obtaining the one thing she desires could mean destroying the one thing she truly needs.


Intriguing, beautiful, a bit haunting... I am very much looking forward to this story! I'm sure you're now wondering, "Where can I find more info about this book and this author?" Well, wonder no longer! You can find out more about Ashlee and her writerly pursuits in many different places here in cyber-space - places like: her blog, or on Goodreads. You might also find her lounging near Facebook, or sipping tea on Twitter, or planning her next book on Pinterest. If all else fails, however, I can also recommend your nearest Amazon online storefront, it's a fabulous place to find authors these days!