Ask the Author + Fan Art Contest Reminder + Hiatus

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Farewell for now.

cue the “So Long, Farewell” song from The Sound of Music

Well, friends, the hiatus doth commenceth. The blog and all my social media hidey-holes will be fairly silent and empty here for the next month!

But never fear!

I’ll be back on June 16th with a book review I’m very excited about for a friend’s release tour, and then come June 21st… well… it’s An Echo of the Fae’s first birthday!!! So keep your eyes peeled for celebration-y things around that time!

I was thinking… a dangerous pass-time, I know.

But it’s been a while since I’ve done any sort of Get to Know the Author type of blog post, and so I thought… while I’m gone… why not check and see what questions y’all have for me?

Many of you have been around for a while and might know me pretty well by now… but you might still have a question or two… and there are some new faces and handles I’m seeing in the comments, and maybe you’d like to get to know me a bit better?

Well, here’s your chance!

So ask away.

You can ask personal questions. Writing questions. Publishing questions. Random questions… really anything goes! I’ll answer them in a future post (or posts… depending on how curious y’all are!)

And don’t forget……

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Fan Art Contest Reminder! And deadline extension!

Since I’ll be off gallivanting about the countryside for the next several weeks, I figured it might be a good idea to extend the fan art contest a smidgen.

The New and Improved Deadline is JUNE 10!

At this very moment, I have received… exactly… zero submissions. So really… at this moment, one of the three grand prizes is practically a guarantee!!!! So make sure you submit those submissions! (submit via email to:

For more details on the fan art contest, go HERE.

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Ask me your questions in the comments! And have a lovely end-of-the-school year, Dear Reader!

All righty. That’s all I’ve got for now! See you next month!!!