Madness Solver: Cover Reveal


My friend and fellow Silmaril Awards co-host E.E. Rawls is releasing a new book!

Author of other excellent titles such as Strayborn, Dragons and Ravens, and Beast of the Night—all of which I have read and highly recommend—today I am pleased and excited to share with you the cover for her next release… and this time, she’s taking us back to WONDERLAND!

Book Blurb:

Teenage Madnes Hatter wants more to life than what his island hometown has to offer—and he definitely doesn’t want a boring future in hat-making, like his parents. But he sure doesn’t expect a well-dressed cat named Cheshire to suddenly pop into his life and make everything worse—giving him the power of the Madness Solver and making him the guardian and peacekeeper between Wonderland and Earth.

What the heck? When he said he wanted more to life, this wasn’t what he meant! Now, he’s the only one who can see Wonderland creatures as they walk the streets, and when there’s trouble, it’s his job to solve it. His friends, Alice and Harrey, think he’s going crazy.

But when a problem arises with the portals linking Wonderland to Earth, an old mystery is brought to light—the case of the death of the previous Madness Solver. Will Madnes meet the same fate, with the guardian power sapping away at his life? Wonderland’s ruler, the Red King, has cast a dangerous spell, and an ancient evil is rising. Madnes may not have long to save his friends and both worlds before it's too late...

Purchase Links:


Join the Release Tour!

The Book Release Tour begins June 1st! If you would like to help promote this book on your social media or blog, please sign up HERE.

And now… the COVER!


I am so excited to read this one! That cover is delightful, and that font is just GORGEOUS! And, having read Rawls’ other works, I am sure that the story inside will be every bit as whimsical and adventurous as the cover promises!

About the Author:

The product of a traveling family, who even lived in Italy for 6 years, Rawls loves to explore the unknown, whether it be in a forest, inside a forgotten castle, or within the pages of a book. She runs on coffee, cuddly cats and the beauty of nature to keep the story wheels of her mind turning as she crafts tales that will both entertain and inspire, creating worlds one can explore and quickly become lost within. Beware, you might not find your way back out again. Visit her online at: