I must apologize, dear readers.

I have finished reading the entirety of the short stories that make up the Battle of Ebulon, and I find myself in the unfortunate position of having to tell you that I cannot recommend it. When I went to download it and saw the warning that some parts may not be appropriate for readers under the age of seventeen... I just about fell over. My heart leapt into my mouth and I had a truly horrifying sinking sensation in the pit of my stomach. I honestly felt like a bit of an idiot... the idea that this collaboration might include parts that are not appropriate for my target audience never even crossed my mind - so much so that I never even asked. The few stories that I read ahead of time were all perfectly appropriate, and I just - was fairly naive, I suppose.

It saddens me, but it is my mistake to bear. I should have asked more questions.

This in no way is meant as a diatribe against or a criticism of the other authors who participated. They can write whatever they wish. My target audience, however, is families, and I should have been far more vigilant about what I put my name to in order to protect an audience that trusts me to promote things that are wholesome and family-friendly. This is solely meant as an apology to that audience, and a promise to be far more careful in the future.

Most of the stories in this collaboration are perfectly appropriate, though all of them contain some form and degree of violence (it is the “Battle” of Ebulon, after all).

There are three entry points in particular that I fear I must warn you about in advance:

Entry point 6 - has one “s” word, as well as a very suggestive “scene” - nothing happens, but it crosses the line of what is appropriate

Entry point 8 - has a handful of “f” words, as well as fairly graphic “surgery” scene. Nearly made ME pass out. I couldn’t finish reading this one because surgery and medical stuff makes me go all light-headed.

Entry point 14 - partially naked women, graphically described at the beginning of the story.

This collaboration was a lot of fun. I enjoyed working with the other authors. I enjoyed writing a story about characters whose story had “ended.” I really loved the comraderie of the group and working with people towards a common goal. It was and is a great idea. I will be following some of these authors and possibly even picking up a few of their books.

I’m just a little bummed that the end product isn’t something I can fully endorse.

I apologize if you picked this up, on my recommendation, and ended up reading something that offended you.

In the future, I will be more careful and consider this a lesson learned as I continue my own career as a professional author in the YA Fiction Industry.