Beautiful People: Grayden

Today I am participating in the Beautiful People link-up hosted by Sky and Cait. I have been taking the month of June off from writing any of my projects, but as soon as we get into July, I plan to dive right into drafting my next book, and thought that a link-up like this one would be a great way to get the ol' creative juices churning!But first, a few announcements: If you haven't yet, please make your way over to the Silmarillion Awards and nominate or second your favorite characters for each award! The nominations close THIS FRIDAY EVENING, July 1st, and only the TOP FIVE nominees in each category will advance to the final round! Don't miss out on this super fun event!Also, I've decided to try Camp Nanowrimo this July - since I have a project that needs drafting, I thought, "Why not?" Hopefully that will help with a little additional motivation to actually get a good amount of words written.I think that's all the announcements I have for now. On to the link-up! Today I am introducing you to the main character of my next series: Grayden OrmondWhat are their first childhood memory?Grayden's first childhood memory is a peaceful one. It is a memory he has held onto because it happens often, and it is the sort of memory that bears with it a sense of peace, safety, and home - but also a tinge of sorrow. He was about three or four years old. His mother standing at the wood-burning stove stirring a pot. The smell of a baking pie wafting through a small cabin. His father tromping through the door, removing his boots, and then opening his arms wide for Grayden's enthusiastic hug. Watching his father whittle something for his mother... a strange stick with a cage on one end and then handing it to her with a grin and saying, "I thought you could wrap some leather around it and put beans inside, would make a lovely rattle for the new little one." His mother's laughter and tears of joy shining in her eyes, and a rising excitement in his own small body knowing that they were talking about his new little brother or sister who would be joining their family soon.That baby did not survive. Though his parents desperately wanted more children, they suffered multiple losses before they were finally blessed with a second child, a baby girl they named Seren. She was born when Grayden was twelve winters old.What were their best and worst childhood experiences?Best childhood experiences: Playing with his friend, Wynn. Playing endless games of Cat and Mouse with the other village children. Learning to ride a horse. Studying for the Academy Examination. Meeting his little sister, Seren. Helping teach Seren to walk. The Harvest Festivals every year. When Master Farley agreed to train him.Worst childhood experiences: When he nearly lost part of his foot while chopping wood. The time he dipped Jenni Minkle's braid in an inkwell and she turned around and slapped him across the face in front of everyone in the school... and has held a grudge against him for the last 10 years. The time he stole a piece of candy from the sweetshop and his father made him go back, apologize, and then work off his debt by sweeping floors and stocking shelves.What was their childhood home like?Grayden's childhood home was one of family, love, and hard work. His parents owned and worked a large fruit orchard, which was a year-round, non-stopping environment of work and effort. However, they also had time to play upon occasion. His mother would often play her lyre in the evenings, and his father would tell Grayden and Seren stories. There was time to play with Wynn and his other friends, as well.What’s something that scared them as child?Grayden was scared of thunderstorms as a child.Who did they look up to most?His parents. Also, Master Farley, the blacksmith.Favourite and least favourite childhood foods?His favorite food has always been anything his mother cooks, particularly her pies. When he was little, his favorite foods were fish and cornbread. His least favorite food was chicken, and he detested peas. He's since outgrown his hatred of chicken, but peas still make him gag.If they had their childhood again, would they change anything?Not really. The only thing he'd want to do is go back to it and get to experience it again. He might have investigated the Tower a bit sooner, it was always something he was curious about and interested in climbing, but his friends always laughed at him for even caring about the Tower... so he left it alone...What kind of child were they? Curious? Wild? Quiet? Devious?Grayden was a quiet, serious child. He has a mischievous streak, but it is tempered by a cautious nature, which is good, because his best friend was always a bit more reckless, and tended to act first and think later.What was their relationship to their parents and siblings like?He has a very good relationship with his parents. He has a younger sister named Seren who is bouncy and imaginative and a little chatterbox. She is a bit of a whirlwind to Grayden's more steady nature, but he loves her dearly in spite of the vast difference in their ages. She looks up to and adores her big brother, though it can be hard to tell, since she has such a tendency to be flighty.What did they want to be when they grew up, and what did they actually become?Grayden at first wanted to take over his parents' orchards. But then as time went on, he learned that he loved his school studies and had a talent for weaponry. The desire to go to the Academy began to take root in his mind and wrap its way around his heart. When the scout informed Grayden that he might be able to pass the exams and be admitted, the idea turned into a passion, and he worked extremely hard to make sure that he would be chosen when the scout had promised to return. Well, that was interesting. Most of the excitement in Grayden's life begins AFTER childhood. But I think he's well-prepared to weather the storm headed his way. I'm definitely going to have to delve into some of the other characters in this world!