Beautiful People: Marik

I am trying to be a bit more on top of things this month, I saw that Beautiful People questions are up for July and wanted to tell you a bit about the second main character in The Orb and the Airship. His name is Marik, and he's from the opposite side of the map from Grayden. As unlike Grayden as it is possible to be, Marik is a pirate, with a vendetta against the governing authority on his side of the world. This time around, instead of me answering the questions, I thought I'd just ask Marik directly... InterFiction style. Hopefully I can get some actual information out of him. I've changed the questions slightly so that they are easier to ask him. If he proves to be difficult about a question, I will add a bit of info if I see fit. (My answers will be in bold)

Hosted by Sky and Cait

Do you want to get married and/or have children? Why or why not?

He stares at me with those bright blue eyes and gives me a look of pure exasperation. "That's your first question? You, of all people, should know the aurora-1185877_640answer. Why would I want to get married? And children... bringing children into this world would be cruel. Maybe if I lived in Telmondir... but as it is, I wouldn't want to risk my children growing up in the kind of world I grew up in. Having a family is nothing more than opening yourself to betrayal and pain, anyway. Besides, I'm probably too old to start looking for a wife, anyway."

Um... what? How are you too old? You're only, what, twenty-nine? Thirty?

He hunches his shoulders and tightens his lips together. "That's all I'll say on that subject. Next question."

Okay, okay. Let's just say... Marik's childhood was better than he is letting on. It's what happened when childhood ended that has made him a bit... cynical.

Let's see... next question: What is your weapon of choice?

He stretches his neck a bit. "I'm not a big fan of violence, you know."

Um, excuse me... what was that now? Mister air pirate? Terror of the skies?

"That's different. Some people don't understand any other language. Besides, you really think the Ar'Mol would listen to any kind of reason if I walked into his house and demanded that he pay for his crimes? You think I'd even get within a hundred yards of the door? He's the criminal, not me... but he also has all the power, so what else was I supposed to do? Ignore the crimes he's committed like a good citizen? Or worse, join him?"

Well, you have a point.

He barks a laugh. "But if I have to fight, I'm particularly good with a sword. Blades of any kind, really."

He's not a bad shot with a bow, either.

What’s the nicest thing you've done for someone else, and why did you do it?

"Oh... why?" he growls at me.

Marik, come on. You've done nice things.

"I know that, and YOU know that, but I have a reputation to protect. I'm not answering this one."

Sigh. Okay, well. Marik cares quite deeply for his permanent crew members: Raisa, Oleck, and Shaesta. They are the people closest to him, the only people in the world he considers to be trustworthy - his new "family" of sorts, but don't tell him I used that word to describe them, he would see it as an insult to them. He would do anything for them. It is because of him that both Oleck and Raisa are still alive, since they were fugitives when he first met them. He also rescued a young pick-pocket named Lenka... "He likes to be called 'Mouse' and you know it. And I heard what you said about my crew, don't think I'll forget it easily!" Yes, yes, sorry, Marik - he rescued Mouse from the authorities and sort of took the boy under his wing.

Have you ever been physically violent with someone, and what instigated it?

Grins. "Yes. And it was nothing less than what they deserved."

Care to offer any further insight on the incident?

"Well, it's kind of difficult, since I'm not sure to which incident you are referring," smiles angelically.

This, from the man who isn't a big fan of violence.

"I never said I wouldn't defend myself. Or my friends."

Well, pick one, then.

He crosses his arms and leans back against the wall lazily. "I suppose my favorite was the time I almost caught Owain." He shifts his jaw slightly as he says the name. He spits. "Filth. He gave me this," points to a scar that starts at the base of his neck and travels down towards his shoulder, disappearing under his collar. "If he had any honor at all, I would have won that fight." He shrugs. "Something to look forward to, I guess."

Are you a rule-follower or a rebel?

"What do you think?" He rolls his eyes at me.

I know you. But my readers don't, remember?

"Fine. I was a rule-follower. Until I was ordered to destroy the town my family lived in. Now I'm a rebel." He glares at me and stomps off.

Marik! I'm not done asking you... grr. He'll be back in a minute. While he's gone, this question hit him a bit hard. He was so proud the day he was accepted into the military. His family was proud. But when rumors of a civil war in the area of Marik's hometown began to surface, he was ordered to quench all thought of rebellion by torching the town he had grown up in. He refused, but another accepted the duty and despite his attempts to stop it, Marik's entire family was killed. Ever since then, he's been working tirelessly to punish the Ar'Mol and his soldiers for the events of that day.

Marik returns, munching on a turkey sandwich. "Not just that day. That's simply the day I realized I was fighting for the wrong side, but there have been countless other days just like that one for too many of my people. It has to end."

Are you organized or messy?

He arches a brow at me. "I am highly organized."

"Yeah," a new voice joins the conversation as Raisa walks in, holding an open jar of mayonaise. "When it comes to his tools and plans. When it comes to everything else..."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Did you just make yourself a sandwich?"


"Well, you didn't close this jar, or the bread, or put anything away."

"I figured it was lunch time, someone else might want a sandwich.'

Raisa arches a dark eyebrow and smirks, tossing her head so that her long, dark ponytail whips over her shoulder. "Excuses, excuses."

"Well, forgive me, but every time I make food and put everything away, Oleck complains and grumbles about how nobody considers him at all, or how he might like to eat something," Marik grins around a bite of sandwich.

Raisa puts one hand on her hip. "That's because he wants you to make the food for him, not because you put everything away..." she shakes her head and stomps off, "Absolutely impossible."

Ahem. Back to our questions: What makes you feel loved, and who was the last person to make you feel that way?

Marik is still grinning after Raisa. "Huh? Oh, um... when my crew bickers over silly things like that, I guess. Means we don't have any really serious problems to worry about."

What do you eat for breakfast?

"That's something readers want to know? Really?" He stares at me in disbelief. Then he shrugs. "Okay. Whatever happens to be in the kitchen, really. Unless Raisa brings something special from the market or the general store. She's always dropping by with food when we're not on a raid. I think she sort of sees Oleck and me as younger brothers she has to mother or we'd starve." He shifts a little and he finishes his sandwich, a bit of a wistful expression on his face.

Have you ever lost someone close to you? What happened?

"Didn't you basically answer this question just a few seconds ago? Seriously." He shakes his head and starts to walk away.

Wait! Last one! What’s your treat of choice? (Or, if not food, how else do you reward yourself?)

He stops and turns around. A smile tries to peek out from the corners of his mouth and he spreads his arms expansively. "Flying the Valdeun Hawk, of course! There is nothing..." he pauses, and his gaze intensifies, "nothing more free than that. And if I must be a pirate to be free, then so be it." He strides away.


And that is absolutely all I could get out of him. More than I expected, actually. I hope you all enjoyed getting to know Marik a bit better.

Don't forget to check out the Voting Form for the Silmarillion Awards! Voting closes on Thursday, July 14th. The award presentations will begin THIS SATURDAY! I can't wait to find out who all the winners are! How about you?