Beta Readers Wanted

Hello there, dear Reader! I hope you had a lovely weekend. Today's post is just a quick one to let you all know that we've reached a very exciting moment. Yorien's Hand is ready for beta reading!What is beta reading? I can hear you thinking it!Don't worry, I didn't know what beta readers were either until fairly recently. Beta readers are NOT editors (though, if you're reading along and you notice a glaring typo, mentioning it would be perfectly acceptable and even welcomed). The purpose of a beta reader is to read through the book and make comments regarding things such as plot holes, problems with continuity, characterization or believability. At this stage in the writing, these should not be major changes, hopefully. Beta readers are not there to critique for metaphors, punctuation, grammar, or spelling. They are there for the STORY. Yorien's Hand is currently in the hands of my line-editor, so the copy you receive will not be the absolute final, polished product. I have a couple of beta readers already, but I would love a few more! If you'd like to be a beta reader, please email me at and I will send you a .pdf of Yorien's Hand (or I can let you read/comment on it as a google doc, whichever you prefer), as well as a list of questions to consider as you read the story. I will need your comments no later than April 1, 2015.If you do not have time right now to be a beta reader, but you would be interested in an Advance Review Copy of the book, I will probably be ready to send those out by May 1.What is an Advance Review Copy? I'm so glad you asked! An Advance Review Copy of a book is one that is sent out to readers before the actual publication date. The understanding is that the reader will read the book and have a review ready to post on their blog, amazon, goodreads, whathaveyou on the day that the book in question becomes available to the general public. If you are interested in being an ARC reader, I will have more information on that for you when we are closer to the finish line. EDIT: I completely forgot to include this, but so you can make a more informed decision, Yorien's Hand is the shortest of The Minstrel's Song installments, clocking in at approximately 116,000 words.