Blog-o-versary Planning Committee: ask me your questions!

Good morning, dear Reader!It has come to my attention that this blog will be turning 6 years old on December 4!Now, technically, I've been writing blog posts on an author blog for far longer than that. My very first blog post on my author platform was way back on August 23, 2007! Wow. That seems like a really long time ago. But I don't count that as my blog-i-versary for a few simple reasons:

  1. I had no idea what I was doing, and I'm pretty sure that the only people who read my blog back then were my mom and a couple of friends.
  2. It wasn't on THIS blog. Yep, my first author blog was my little blogspot blog.

So THIS blog went live with little-to-no fanfare and its very first post on December 4, 2012.At that point, I had published exactly ONE book - King's Warrior.Since then, I have published the rest of the Minstrel's Song series, won the Rooglewood Contest of Five Enchanted Roses, and published two short stories through the Fellowship of Fantasy.I've written 835 blog posts here on this blog.I've received 61,000 views and 5,360 comments.My best day ever was 258 views.My best month ever was July 2017.I've featured 80 artists/authors on this blog over the past 6 years.I've reviewed 96 books and 48 movies.I've shared approximately 17 short stories.I've participated in 19 tags.This blog now has 253 email subscribers, and if you add the people who could follow the blog through my facebook page, that number hits very close to 1,000!These are big numbers. Numbers worth celebrating! And they are all due to YOU, dear Reader. Without you, this little blog would just be my own exercise in futility.So, thank you, dear Reader.Now... on to the party planning element... on December 4th, I'd like to have a little celebration of all these lovely numbers, and... eep... I'm thinking about STEALING TRACEY'S IDEA and doing my first-ever vlog. (There will be other things to go along with that, as well - but I'll announce those things closer to the actual blog-o-versary)Ahem.But while the idea of chatting with you all around a campfire and talking about various things is really appealing, the idea of creating a vlog-post is terrifying. And I need time to get it together, which is why I'm posting about it now... so I can try to get it done by Dec. 4. Thus, I'm appointing each and every one of you to my party-planning committee and asking you to shoot questions my way so that I have something to talk about. Otherwise, I'm just going to ramble about my favorite books and movies and be my scatter-brained self... which could be entertaining, I suppose... but I'd rather talk about stuff YOU care about... so fire away!And... since a call for questions is usually all it takes for my brain to go completely blank... I'm stealing even further from Tracey and giving you a list of topics to get you started:

living in Wisconsin, North Carolina, Indiana, or Illinois
being homeschooled/homeschooling my kids
my kids
my reputation for getting lost every time I get in a car
real-life adventures I've had
um... books?
authoring stuff?
future plans
my MBTI type...

Feel free to make up your own questions! And I promise that if I get tons of questions I'll keep the vlog to a reasonable length of time (or at the very least, break it up into reasonable bite-sized pieces and post multiples if that's what needs to happen).