Now that Second Son has officially been released, I feel like I can actually think about book three. This does mean I'll be spending the next few weeks furiously editing my way through it. I got the content comments back a few months ago, but what with all the travel, sickness, and stress about Second Son, I'm ashamed to admit that I've only made it through about 40 pages of editing so far. Yikes! I really need to get cracking.

I thought today it might be fun to reveal the title of book 3 in "The Minstrel's Song" series, which is also revealed in the sneak peek at the end of Second Son... but I'm guessing nobody's gotten that far just yet. :) We tossed around a ton of ideas for this title. I knew I wanted it to be 2 words, so as to fit with the titles of the first two books (as well as the fourth and final book, because I already have that title figured out). And I really wanted those two words to represent whoever the central character of the book is.

But here's the thing.

There really isn't a "central" character in book 3. And I didn't want anything in the title to accidentally give anything away about the end... and a lot of the titles we were tossing around, I felt, were doing just that.

So then I started thinking about what other important elements there were to the book: the Fang Blade plays a major role, definitely, but it still isn't completely "central" to the plot. As we threw more title ideas around here in the Stormcave, we eventually circled back to one that had been brought up before. It had resonated with me at first, but then I got side-tracked by the "central character" idea, and it didn't fit that very well... or at least, I didn't think it did. But the more I think about it, the more I really feel that this is the title that best fits what I wanted for this story and the characters it contains.


Here it is.


Many thanks to Evan for the awesome graphic to go with the title. :)

Don't worry, I'll have more information coming soon about who and what YORIEN'S HAND is going to be about. But the title is all you get for now.

And finally, CONGRATULATIONS to KENDRA ARDNEK our winner of the SECOND SON giveaway!

Please email me your mailing address by Friday, March 14th so I know where to send your copy of SECOND SON!