Hey all,

I apologize for the lack of posting going on around here lately. Consider it a mini-vacation. The distraction factor? An inability to focus in general. Whatever it is, it feels like my mental capacitors have pretty much been maxed out lately, and finding time, energy, and the creativity to come up with blog posts has been just beyond my grasp. I had hoped to participate in the A-Z Blogging Challenge again this year, but have come to the conclusion that it is not going to work out. April is too close, I haven't planned at all, and I am way behind where I wanted to be with my editing. I sort of expected to have Yorien's Hand edited for content by the end of March... but that is not going to happen either. Instead, I'm going to start pouring in the hours to get it done by the end of April.

In the meantime, I do plan to get back to a regular posting schedule over here. But...

Here's where I need a little help. (I don't like doing this, because it feels like I'm begging for comments... I'm not, seriously, I really need your help!)

Because of Baby-Brain... or something... I'm having a hard time figuring out what to post about these days. I had my lovely character-interview posts for Second Son's cover reveal/release, and that got me through a lot of January and most of February, but "Now that it's over, I don't know what to do with the rest of my life."

"Have you ever considered piracy?"

Ahem. Sorry about that - movie quotes just take over sometimes. (Anyone know where the quote is from?)

So... this is YOUR CHANCE to take over my blog! Is there something you'd like me to blog about that I haven't? A question you have about life, the universe, and everything... or at least, with regards to me or my books? :) A topic you'd like to see me cover more thoroughly?

If you need more direction, would you like me to write more about "The Minstrel's Song" series, or the new one I'm working on?

Is there a character you're particularly interested in hearing more about?

Book or movie reviews?

Ramblings about fantasy/sci-fi/or my favorite TV shows?

Why country music is the best genre in the industry?

My non-winning pitch for the 5th year in a row? And why I still bother entering the ABNA contest?

Any of these sound interesting?

Seriously. Dear Reader, what would you most like to read?