Calling All Artists!

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Extended Deadline: June 10!

Are you an artist?

Have you read any of my stories?

Then YOU are invited!

To extend the celebration of finishing the audio books, belatedly celebrating the 9th birthday of King’s Warrior (and 3rd birthday of Minstrel’s Call), and the up-coming FIRST birthday of my dear little Echo….

I thought… what goes better together than Spring and Art? I mean, they’re like fantasy and dragons. Sci-fi and space ships.

So, I’m hosting my very first FAN ART contest!

The Rules

Because… we probably should have some.

  1. Submissions have to be fan art for something I’ve written. I mean, I’m sure your Harry Potter and LOTR fan art is amazing… but that’s not eligible for this particular contest.

  2. Any of my stories is fair game. The Minstrel’s Song series, An Echo of the Fae, Stone Curse, Destined for Greatness, Dragon Ward, and even my flash fiction (Space Lanes, Earl’s Dilemma, Deja Vu, or Out of Her Skin)! And hey… if there’s a short story I’ve posted here on the blog that catches your imagination, that counts, too!

  3. The submission window runs from April 1st - May 31st.

  4. Email your submissions to - make sure to include your name, the title of the story that inspired it, and a title for the artwork itself.

  5. Probably goes without saying… but… please keep the content as G-PG rated as my books are.

  6. Have FUN!

Eligible Types of Art

Anything visual, really. Drawings, paintings, photo manipulation, sewing (Do you cosplay? That’s art!)

I’ll accept musical submissions as well, as long as they are paired with something visual.

I’d even be willing to accept interpretive dance! grin

About the only thing I’m not at this time allowing would be fan-fiction/written submissions, since while YES writing is an art OBVIOUSLY, that’s not the kind of art I mean here.

The Judging

I will post all the artwork I receive here on the blog. There will be THREE winners, each chosen in a different way.

One winner will be chosen by popular vote by YOU, dear Readers!

One winner will be chosen by random drawing!

One winner will be declared as “Jenelle’s Favorite.”

The Prizes

Each of the three winners will receive a $20 Amazon Gift Card plus their choice of a signed copy of one of my books.


Well? What do you think? Are you excited?

Are you an artist? Do you know an artist who might be interested in this contest? Please make sure you let them know about the fan art contest! As someone who seriously CANNOT draw… like, at all… I’m very much looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with!