Hello, Dear Reader. I hope you've enjoyed this series on character-building. I've had a lot of fun talking about different types of characters and some of the things an author can do to help a character pop off the page a bit. We've covered back-story, getting started, heroes, and tragic figures, as well as an old post about villains...

And now I'm moving on for a while. However, if you have any further questions about character-building, or any more specific questions, as I mostly talked in general terms, please feel free to ask. I will try my best to answer... but please remember that I'm not an expert... I'm just one author and one lover of stories, and everyone has their own method that works for them. Everyone is going to have their own opinions on this matter, as well. This is why books keep being written... because what appeals to one person is not always going to appeal to another. Just because I love Aragorn and have a soft spot for Boromir and think characters like Doctor Who and Aslan and Charles Wallace and Cimorene are awesome, doesn't mean everyone else is going to agree with me.

And that's okay.

Because the world would be a truly boring place if we all only liked one kind of character or story... and there would be a lot less to read.

So please, ask away! But remember that, just like everyone else, I'm biased. :)