Come What May

Today's ishness post is going to be short and sweet, dear Reader.Where did May go? For me, it kind of went by in a blur. My parents and sister visited for a day (too short!) back at the beginning of the month on their journey home from Brittany's latest Nashville trip, and now we are looking forward to my mom coming back for a longer visit in a few days. Yay!As far as writing goes...Well, my deadline of May 15 came... and went. As did my new deadline of June 1st. I'm beginning to identify with that quote by Douglas Adams,

I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.

However, lest you think the month was a total writing loss, let me correct you! I wrote over 15,600 words on the second book in the Turrim Archive and the end is so close I can taste it, I just have all these threads to wind up, and the story should come to a satisfying close for a rough draft. I also think I've nailed down the title for this book, and I'm hoping to get a nifty graphic to go along with the title reveal in the nearish future.I did not get as much reading done last month (hey, there has to be a trade-off somewhere). I finished the second book in the Story Thieves series (loved it!). Read Halayda with the Fellowship of Fantasy: Indie Book Club and thoroughly enjoyed it (review coming soon), and finished Swift Rivers and Sarah: Plain and Tall with the kids and was quite pleased with both.We've been watching "Star Wars: Rebels" and are more than halfway through the second season (sadly, we will have to take a break when we finish as the third season is not yet on blu-ray), but I'm absolutely loving it! And I'm going to go nuts waiting for season three as I know THRAWN is in it, and I'm SO excited to see him Also re-watching "When Calls the Heart" and I think we went and saw a movie... oh yes, Guardians of the Galaxy: 2. There were things I liked, and things I didn't, I've been meaning to write a review... so many writings, so little time... and I've got this cute baby I'd rather snuggle right now... because he's only going to be little for a very little while.Spending a lot of time listening to soundtracks lately as I work on Turrim 2. They have been wonderful inspiration.Soundtracks 1Looking ahead to June, I'm desperately writing as much as I can each day to try and finish up this rough draft. Then it's diving head-first back into Tellurae Aquaous to edit, edit, edit! No small feat, I'm starting to believe, based on what my editors/beta readers have had to say! But it will be worth it. I am not sure how long that will take, so I still can't guesstimate a release date for this fourth and final episode... but I am going to work as hard as I can to make sure that it's no later than January 2018. No promises, though. Because as much as I want to get this story in your hands, I also want it to be as polished as it possibly can be.I'm also planning on spending as much time at the pool as possible. And reading some books, but I'll talk about those on Wednesday for the Nightstand Books post.Also, behind the scenes we are gearing up for the second annual Silmarillion Awards, which is super exciting! We have almost all of our dragons in a row... so definitely be on the lookout for more information about that starting up at the beginning of July. This year we've added even more bells and whistles. You definitely won't want to miss it!And that's it for today. I told you it'd be a short post. How was your May? Any fun summer plans?