Final Five Something Something...

That's right, dear Readers! Today is the day that the final Five Something Something contest is revealed, and I am pleased and excited to be participating in that reveal. Though I am saddened that this is the last one for a while (I hold out hope that someday it will be revisited and revived, the eternal optimist, I shall ever be), I am excited to be part of this reveal.I'm also excited that I was correct in my own personal guess as to which fairy tale would be the next one chosen for these collections!Being a part of the Five Enchanted Roses collection a few years ago was truly some of the most fun I've ever had while writing. I also learned so very much about writing and the publishing process through that experience. If you are considering entering, I cannot recommend this contest highly enough.So I'm pretty sure you're mostly interested in knowing two things:1. What fairy tale did they pick?and2. What does the cover look like?I mean, it's very possible that you already saw it on another blog. Or that you scrolled down to find out the answers immediately.But if you're the sort who likes a long, drawn-out sort of mysterious reveal.........then this post is for you.Okay, okay, I won't keep you in suspense any longer. 

The Final Fairy Tale Creative Writing Contest

Presented by Rooglewood Press

will be...

Five Poisoned Apples

FivePoisonedApplesYep. Snow White. I mean, really... how could it NOT be Snow White? She just.... goes with the others. You can't leave her out.These covers just keep getting prettier and prettier! I mean, wow! When I saw it in my email the other day it almost made me regret not entering the contest this year. Almost. Because it's not like I don't have four children to run around after, a house to keep running, a manuscript to finish, my country's 500th anniversary to plan, and a novel to edit and publish this year! I'm swamped!

But wow, I just need to take a moment and stare at it a little longer. Julie Popova really outdid herself this time around! And the cover model/photographer Wynter Clark did a lovely job as well.

In case you missed the link above, you can find all the details on entering the contest HERE.

Now go on... shoo... dear Writer! Go WRITE!