Pinterest Board for Minstrel's Call

Today's post is just a short one to say "hi!" I'm still alive, but have been working so hard on writing the second book in the Turrim Archive that I haven't had much time for blogging. I am trying to get this draft finished so that I can focus on editing Minstrel's Call this summer, and it's been a race between myself and my editors/beta readers to see who would finish first. So far, almost all of them have beaten me... but in my defense, I did have a baby a few weeks ago... so, yeah.Anyway, as I'm heading into the final BIG edits on Minstrel's Call, I thought it was time to share something with you that I hope will whet your appetite for this final chapter in the series. (I can't even express to you the mixed emotions that sentence brings to my heart. I am so excited to finish this series and share the last installment with you, dear Reader... but I am also saddened that this era is coming to a close).I have been working on a pinterest board for the Minstrel's Song series so that you can see some of the images that have inspired me, some images that reflect the way I imagine things in the world of Tellurae Aquaous look, and a few images that you will not yet understand, but should get you excited about the fourth book! Enjoy!