Good morning, dear Reader! The COVER REVEAL for SECOND SON is upon us! Yes, the cover is finished and ready to be revealed to the public. The actual REVEAL day will be this Friday, so make sure you swing by the blog sometime on Friday to see Angelina's latest beautiful artwork!

We are working to get the cover uploaded to Createspace so that we can release the book itself shortly, but there are inevitable issues that CS always has with the first cover upload, and I get emails that warn of a coming apocalypse. It's just Createspace's way.

As soon as this issue is resolved, I will be ordering a proof copy - which usually arrives in 5-7 days, and if the physical book looks as beautiful as the image you'll get to see on FRIDAY, then I will hit the "publish" button and Second Son will be available to all of you lovely people in paperback format. (Coming to Kindle soon thereafter, but we have some formatting to work on). As soon as I can announce the book's release, I will also have a giveaway for a copy or two of SECOND SON here on the blog for you, something exciting to look forward to.

All that to say, the second book in the Minstrel's Song could be released as early as NEXT WEEK or the following week! This is becoming real, folks! I am so super excited! And I cannot wait to share the cover image with all of you this Friday!!! (I think the celebration calls for a few extra exclamation points, don't you?)

That's really all I've got for today. I'm too excited to write up a character interview. :) But maybe I'll do a few more between the cover reveal and book release... which could give some of you lovely bloggers a little extra time to join in the blog party!